River Gambler

what is a riverboat gambler

what is a riverboat gambler - win

11-13 21:44 - '[quote] Yes. Someone installing themselves without any right with the backing of the military is the literal definition of a coup. / [quote] / [link] / Seems both good and notable to me. / [quote] What? I didn’t men...' by /u/Riverboat_Gambler removed from /r/worldnews within 13-23min

You know that he can be a bad President and she can be a fake who has installed herself without any right?
Yes. Someone installing themselves without any right with the backing of the military is the literal definition of a coup.
There is no reason he should have been president for 20 years. Nothing he did was particularly notable
Seems both good and notable to me.
I guess you're the sort of shill that likes Putin though.
What? I didn’t mention Putin, nor do I like him.
Speaking of shills, have you seen these?
I trust independent election observers than a random nobody (you.) on the internet spouting conspiracy
Then post their evidence. Meanwhile, read these:
Context Link
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: Riverboat_Gambler
1: *w*tter**om/sunra*sunr*y/status/11***1600*1*0*542*8 2: *wit*e**com/Benjam*n*ort*n/status*119*97924832***21*1 3: twit**r.c*m/r*dfi*h*t*eam/statu**1*9440394**8382387* 4: twit*er*com**arkWeisbr*t/s**tus/11*392108*847***9*0 5: tw*t*er.co**k**inmc*sh*an/st*tus/1*9*7*3918624*08544
Unknown links are censored to prevent spreading illicit content.
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Zdravko Swims Home from the Grand Dame - SKT - Session 24

Previous Session: https://www.reddit.com/dndstories/comments/kkzknk/recon_in_yartar_and_attack_of_the_mudfish_skt/ In the streets of Yartar our heroes got ambushed by some weird fish-people and a "mudfish" that claimed to be a god. After significant amounts of snooping and intel-gathering, the party felt they had all they needed to know to enter The Grand Dame riverboat casino and to reach Drylund - the prime suspect in Hekaton's disappearance.
Cast: Level 9
Jormo submits himself to Nevil Storn - Captain of the Grand Dame - for a position rowing the ship's oars. Captain Storn initially questions Jormo's Iron Gauntlests (of Ogre Strength) which the Tortle claims protect his hands from blistering while rowing. The captain seems skeptical but ultimately lets him aboard.
Next Zep applies to be a dealegame-runner in the ship's casino. After an impressive card trick where the Kenku makes an entire deck disappear only to begin pulling cards from his beak, Captain Storn is so impressed and adds "I'd rather have you running games in our casino rather than playing them that's for sure. Not sure Akane would even be able to catch you cheating."
Once aboard Jormo sits at his rowing station, and Zep reports to the casino where he sets up a game at one of the dozen tables, near a statue of a golden goose on a wooden pedestal. Zep notices crew and staff preparing for guests to arrive. An woman in a beautiful purple dress sets up a game board similar to Dragon Chess at the table next to Zep's. The Kenku also notices a stern-looking older woman in a yellow robe adorned with embroidered green snakes, prowling the casino floor; she is checking to make sure nothing is out of order with the game dealers. Below deck Jormo sees a tiny octopus riding on the shoulder of a man (the Tortle rightly suspects this may be Khaspere Drylund) who briefly checks in with the man who leads the Rowers.
An hour later Beau - disguising himself as a different Tabaxi named 'Razzlestacks' - seeks to board with his exotic muscular foreign guest, Zdravko (who fakes a limp and leans heavily on his quarterstaff-"walking stick"). Lyra has wildshaped into a flying monkey perched atop the staff as the "Exotic man's exotic pet."
Many of the nobles and aristocrats gathering here are dressed eccentrically enough that as odd as the group of covert heroes may look, they don't expect to arouse too much suspicion.
Captain Nevil Storn is a bit wary of Zdravko's pet, saying that animals usually aren't allowed, but Zdravko assures him that she is well trained and Lyra plays the part well. After a brief conversation with Beau the captain welcomes them aboard his ship.
As they climb the gangplank they see a stern-looking older woman wearing a yellow silk formal robe; she's helping passengers exchange Gold for wooden "Golden Goose" gambling tokens which she procures from a messenger-style bag at her hip. Beau senses magic and hones her vision to see an aura of Conjuration from the bag, and an aura of Transmutation from the Robe of Snakes.
By sunset everyone has boarded and the boat glides out into the wide Dessarin river for the evening. Paper lanterns illuminate the sides of the boat and balcony around the upper deck.
Zdravko and Beau schmooze with nobles, while Lyra keeps watch. Zep faithfully runs his gaming table while keeping a look-out. Jormo takes semi-frequent breaks from rowing to check on the situation in the casino through one of the port holes.
Zep and Lyra both notice that the woman in the snake-adorned yellow robe has been scrutinizing them much more carefully than the other guests. Between Zep and Beau carefully timing and concealing use of the Message cantrip they're able to somewhat keep each other in the loop. After awhile the lady in yellow ascends the spiral stairs to the upper deck and isn't seen again for several minutes.
In the meantime Zdravko and Beau chat with a jovial noble who seems quite taken with Zdravko, he mentions that Khaspere Drylund prefers to socialize with the gamblers who wager the most. They then enter a high-stakes game of wit and luck against one of the highest-stakes gamblers in the room and Beau beats him, earning himself 300-some gold worth of Golden Goose tokens!
Khaspere Drylund enters the casino from the spiral stairs, followed by the woman in yellow. He socializes with the high-stakes gambler before approaching Beau. The woman in the snake robe continues patrolling the room.
Beau senses magic as Drylund approaches and focuses her eyes to see a Transmutation aura around the pet octopus resting on his shoulder.
Zdravko takes flying-monkey Lyra out to the balcony to "stretch her wings." The Druid flies out of sight momentarily, then reverts back to her winged Tiefling form, and casts Invisibility on herself as she seeks out Captain Drylund's quarters in the upper deck.
Jormo gets sick of waiting and rowing and enters the casino, pretending to be a noble and snacking at the table. Zdravko gives him a nod before realizing that might have been too much of a tell.
Drylund inquires of Beau what brought him aboard the Grand Dame this evening. Beau explains that he has a background as a sailor and is always interested in unique sailing vessels. After the discussion moves on to local politics Drylund essentially tries to recruit Beau into buying a summer home in Yartar so that he can "participate in the political process." Beau is invited to accompany Drylund to his quarters and he uses his Subtle metamagic to Message Lyra that they're coming.
Zdravko pretends to just meet Jormo for the first time and invites him "to the balcony for fresh air" so they can follow Beau and Drylund. As soon as they're up the stairs Zep notices from his gaming table that the woman in yellow spins on her heal to follow them at a brisk pace. Zep attempts to mask the somatic component of a Message he sends to Zdravko, "You've got a tail; the woman in the yellow snake robe."
On the balcony Zdravko warns Jormo that she's incoming. When she arrives she asks to speak with Zdravko privately but the monk insists his friend be present. She says, "Very well. I know you all have come here with ill-intent and I won't stand for it." To Zdravko she adds, "I suggest you swim home to where ever it is you came from" as she attempts to hijack his mind and will.
Jormo attempts to Counterspell her Suggestion, but she in turn Counterspells his effort. Zdravko nods, "Yes, that sounds good" as he leaps from the balcony straight down into the water below.
The Tortle and the woman stare each other down for a moment as it becomes obvious that a 1 vs 1 Wizard battle is upon them. Then Jormo casts Banishment, and without her ability to counterspell having returned yet she vanishes with a *pop* seemingly into thin air!
Jormo runs back down the stairs - knowing he only has a minute before she returns from the demi-plane he sent her to and frantically motions for Zep to follow him. The Kenku pretends to sneeze, sending all the cards at his table flying, before he leaps up to follow his Tortle friend (but not before grabbing a few fistfulls of crackers and cheese from the buffet. As they run through the Dance Hall on the upper deck, towards the hall that Beau and Drylund disappeared down Jormo catches him up on the situation, "Zdravko went for a swim and I made the yellow wizard disappear, but she'll be back soon."
Meanwhile Lyra had been searching Drylund's quarters but only had found some business expense records before receiving Beau's Message. Still invisible Lyra easily hides as Beau and Drylund enter and begin to talk about real-estate holdings.
Less than a minute later Jormo and Zep barge in. Trying to act surprised Beau cries, "What's the meaning of this?"
Drylund says, "Akane was right, you all are up to something. What do you want?"
Jormo says pointedly, "We wanted your help in case we need to assassinate any Storm Giant royalty."
With that Drylund immediate becomes hostile and says, "C'mon Sid, let's do this!" as his tiny pet octopus more than triples in size to become a Giant Octopus!
Drylund attempts to enshroud himself in a spell, but Jormo Counterspells his effort.
Zep casts a Darkness spell on his ring, essentially blinding everyone in the small room. For most of fight nobody sees much of what's going on. Drylund seems to be lashing out with psychic tentacle attacks, along with spells that effect their minds as Dissonant Whispers force Jormo to momentarily flee the dark room.
Since Lyra can't see, she destroys the water in the octopus's aquarium which enrages the beast as it spends the rest of the fight blindly sloshing its tentacles around after her.
Zep is the only one who can see thanks to the abilities his patron bestowed on him, but he has to take a moment to conjure his blade to his hand before he can take advantage of it. Meanwhile Drylund lands a couple lucky Rapier thrusts against the Kenku in the Darkness.
Lyra similarly lands a lucky hit with a Guiding Bolt, but the extra light that normally sheds off the hit creature can't permeate the magical darkness.
Zdravko continues to swim home.
Beau lines up where she knows Drylund is and hopes an ally isn't directly behind him and unleashes a Lightning Bolt - unseen in the darkness but just as deadly. Drylund attempts his own Lightning attack, but still essentially blind, misses.
After a couple missed Firebolts Jormo yells for Zep to cancel the Darkness. Zep keeps the spell active, but covers the ring, thus obscuring the darkening effect. Jormo slings a cold orb at the injured Lord Drylund's head with the intent to subdue him rather than kill him and it works!
The force of the orb's impact combined with the brain-freeze like effect drops Khaspere Drylund to his knee as he calls out, "Please, I surrender, I surrender. I don't want to die." He tells Sid the octopus that it's over and to go out and get some water. The octopus shrinks back to its tiny size as it slowly crawls up the wall towards the port hole window which Beau opens for it.
They tie up the captain and Jormo reminds them that the wizard in the yellow robe will only Banished for a few more seconds.
Beau demands Khasphere Drylund tell them, "Where is the Storm Giant, King Hekaton?"
Drylund, out of breath responds, "Very well, I.. I guess I can tell you. You've earned it, apparently."
"The Big One you seek – the Storm Giant Hekaton – is subdued by enchanted shackles and sails aboard a strange-looking vessel called "The Morkoth." It's veiled from all divination, and light bends around it until one is within a certain distance. It sails around the northern isles of the Trackless Sea day and night. If you... "
He stops talking. His voice catches in his throat as the veins in his neck bulge. Drylund's eyes grow wide with terror and become bloodshot as he rigidly grabs his head in agony. He opens his mouth as if to scream in pain, but nothing more than a strained, prolonged gasp escapes. He goes limp and slumps to the floor – blood begins to trickle out his ears. He is dead.
Jormo finds a key on his body and begins checking drawers for any addition evidence they can give Yartar's Waterbarron. He finds a journal in a drawer beneath the now-empty aquarium.
Beau checks the hallway just in time to see the woman in the yellow robe coming. He shuts the door and warns the group they may have to fight again.
Zep uncovers his Darkness ring to conceal them, and Beau hidden in the darkness casts Disguise Self to look like Drylund.
Zdravko continues to swim home.
Akane Manaasi flings open the door and seeing only darkness calls out, "What's going on in here?"
Beau, flawlessly imitating Drylund's voice tries to buy them time to think of a plan, "The intruders hid a darkness object somewhere in here. I'm looking for it.
Akane, "Would you like help, sir?"
Beau as Drylund, "Yes?" (internally screaming).
Akane, "What does the object look like? I can attempt to locate it with magic."
Beau as Drylund, "I didn't see it."
Akane, "I don't know how much help I can be, but I will try." She enters into the room. "The intruders... who are they sir? Where are they now?"
Beau as Drylund, "They came looking for Hekaton."
Akane, "I'm sorry sir, what?"
Beau as Drylund, "They're trying to find the Storm Giant."
Akane, "I'm sorry sir, but I don't know what you're talking about."
With that, Zep leaps at her through the darkness and grapples her in choke-hold, covering the Darkness ring in the process.
Akane sees Drylund laying in a pool of blood and also Drylund standing above Drylund's body.
Jormo cries out, "Oh no! you've killed our friend who was disguised as Drylund!"
Akane Manaasi demands to know what's going on.
Beau explains that her boss is caught up in some bad happenings and after he confessed, it seems like someone performed a psychic assassination on him from elsewhere.
The woman in the yellow-green snake robe doesn't seem at all surprised to hear of Drylund's extracurricular business dealings, but after further questioning Beau is pretty certain that Akane Manaasi herself is innocent of any of it and just acts as the security officer of the Grand Dame.
Akane proposes that if they let her go, she can assume the role of running the casino in Drylund's stead, make it her own business, and in the process completely cover for them and attribute Drylund's death to "unseen assassins who never made themselves known." Beau says that sounds good, ONLY if Akane releases their friend from her Suggestion and Akane agrees.
Zdravko stops swimming home and shouts, "SON OF A B----!!!" before turning around, flying into a rage and swimming back towards the boat at top speed!
When the monk returns, Beau has to convince Zdravko not to attack the security officer, but that doesn't stop him from aggressively drying himself off on her robe - which unflappably she appears to ignore.
They spend the rest of the night gambling and schmoozing and eating from the buffet as if nothing had happened, and none of the guests see Khaspere Drylund for the rest of the evening (or ever again).
To be continued...
submitted by Yesh_Vroo to dndstories [link] [comments]

Zdravko Swims Home from the Grand Dame - Ch.11 - Session 24

Previous Session: https://www.reddit.com/stormkingsthundecomments/kkzm93/recon_in_yartar_and_attack_of_the_mudfish_ch11/ In the streets of Yartar our heroes got ambushed by some weird fish-people and a "mudfish" that claimed to be a god. After significant amounts of snooping and intel-gathering, the party felt they had all they needed to know to enter The Grand Dame riverboat casino and to reach Drylund - the prime suspect in Hekaton's disappearance.
Cast: Level 9
Jormo submits himself to Nevil Storn - Captain of the Grand Dame - for a position rowing the ship's oars. Captain Storn initially questions Jormo's Iron Gauntlests (of Ogre Strength) which the Tortle claims protect his hands from blistering while rowing. The captain seems skeptical but ultimately lets him aboard.
Next Zep applies to be a dealegame-runner in the ship's casino. After an impressive card trick where the Kenku makes an entire deck disappear only to begin pulling cards from his beak, Captain Storn is so impressed and adds "I'd rather have you running games in our casino rather than playing them that's for sure. Not sure Akane would even be able to catch you cheating."
Once aboard Jormo sits at his rowing station, and Zep reports to the casino where he sets up a game at one of the dozen tables, near a statue of a golden goose on a wooden pedestal. Zep notices crew and staff preparing for guests to arrive. An woman in a beautiful purple dress sets up a game board similar to Dragon Chess at the table next to Zep's. The Kenku also notices a stern-looking older woman in a yellow robe adorned with embroidered green snakes, prowling the casino floor; she is checking to make sure nothing is out of order with the game dealers. Below deck Jormo sees a tiny octopus riding on the shoulder of a man (the Tortle rightly suspects this may be Khaspere Drylund) who briefly checks in with the man who leads the Rowers.
An hour later Beau - disguising himself as a different Tabaxi named 'Razzlestacks' - seeks to board with his exotic muscular foreign guest, Zdravko (who fakes a limp and leans heavily on his quarterstaff-"walking stick"). Lyra has wildshaped into a flying monkey perched atop the staff as the "Exotic man's exotic pet."
Many of the nobles and aristocrats gathering here are dressed eccentrically enough that as odd as the group of covert heroes may look, they don't expect to arouse too much suspicion.
Captain Nevil Storn is a bit wary of Zdravko's pet, saying that animals usually aren't allowed, but Zdravko assures him that she is well trained and Lyra plays the part well. After a brief conversation with Beau the captain welcomes them aboard his ship.
As they climb the gangplank they see a stern-looking older woman wearing a yellow silk formal robe; she's helping passengers exchange Gold for wooden "Golden Goose" gambling tokens which she procures from a messenger-style bag at her hip. Beau senses magic and hones her vision to see an aura of Conjuration from the bag, and an aura of Transmutation from the Robe of Snakes.
By sunset everyone has boarded and the boat glides out into the wide Dessarin river for the evening. Paper lanterns illuminate the sides of the boat and balcony around the upper deck.
Zdravko and Beau schmooze with nobles, while Lyra keeps watch. Zep faithfully runs his gaming table while keeping a look-out. Jormo takes semi-frequent breaks from rowing to check on the situation in the casino through one of the port holes.
Zep and Lyra both notice that the woman in the snake-adorned yellow robe has been scrutinizing them much more carefully than the other guests. Between Zep and Beau carefully timing and concealing use of the Message cantrip they're able to somewhat keep each other in the loop. After awhile the lady in yellow ascends the spiral stairs to the upper deck and isn't seen again for several minutes.
In the meantime Zdravko and Beau chat with a jovial noble who seems quite taken with Zdravko, he mentions that Khaspere Drylund prefers to socialize with the gamblers who wager the most. They then enter a high-stakes game of wit and luck against one of the highest-stakes gamblers in the room and Beau beats him, earning himself 300-some gold worth of Golden Goose tokens!
Khaspere Drylund enters the casino from the spiral stairs, followed by the woman in yellow. He socializes with the high-stakes gambler before approaching Beau. The woman in the snake robe continues patrolling the room.
Beau senses magic as Drylund approaches and focuses her eyes to see a Transmutation aura around the pet octopus resting on his shoulder.
Zdravko takes flying-monkey Lyra out to the balcony to "stretch her wings." The Druid flies out of sight momentarily, then reverts back to her winged Tiefling form, and casts Invisibility on herself as she seeks out Captain Drylund's quarters in the upper deck.
Jormo gets sick of waiting and rowing and enters the casino, pretending to be a noble and snacking at the table. Zdravko gives him a nod before realizing that might have been too much of a tell.
Drylund inquires of Beau what brought him aboard the Grand Dame this evening. Beau explains that he has a background as a sailor and is always interested in unique sailing vessels. After the discussion moves on to local politics Drylund essentially tries to recruit Beau into buying a summer home in Yartar so that he can "participate in the political process." Beau is invited to accompany Drylund to his quarters and he uses his Subtle metamagic to Message Lyra that they're coming.
Zdravko pretends to just meet Jormo for the first time and invites him "to the balcony for fresh air" so they can follow Beau and Drylund. As soon as they're up the stairs Zep notices from his gaming table that the woman in yellow spins on her heal to follow them at a brisk pace. Zep attempts to mask the somatic component of a Message he sends to Zdravko, "You've got a tail; the woman in the yellow snake robe."
On the balcony Zdravko warns Jormo that she's incoming. When she arrives she asks to speak with Zdravko privately but the monk insists his friend be present. She says, "Very well. I know you all have come here with ill-intent and I won't stand for it." To Zdravko she adds, "I suggest you swim home to where ever it is you came from" as she attempts to hijack his mind and will.
Jormo attempts to Counterspell her Suggestion, but she in turn Counterspells his effort. Zdravko nods, "Yes, that sounds good" as he leaps from the balcony straight down into the water below.
The Tortle and the woman stare each other down for a moment as it becomes obvious that a 1 vs 1 Wizard battle is upon them. Then Jormo casts Banishment, and without her ability to counterspell having returned yet she vanishes with a *pop* seemingly into thin air!
Jormo runs back down the stairs - knowing he only has a minute before she returns from the demi-plane he sent her to and frantically motions for Zep to follow him. The Kenku pretends to sneeze, sending all the cards at his table flying, before he leaps up to follow his Tortle friend (but not before grabbing a few fistfulls of crackers and cheese from the buffet. As they run through the Dance Hall on the upper deck, towards the hall that Beau and Drylund disappeared down Jormo catches him up on the situation, "Zdravko went for a swim and I made the yellow wizard disappear, but she'll be back soon."
Meanwhile Lyra had been searching Drylund's quarters but only had found some business expense records before receiving Beau's Message. Still invisible Lyra easily hides as Beau and Drylund enter and begin to talk about real-estate holdings.
Less than a minute later Jormo and Zep barge in. Trying to act surprised Beau cries, "What's the meaning of this?"
Drylund says, "Akane was right, you all are up to something. What do you want?"
Jormo says pointedly, "We wanted your help in case we need to assassinate any Storm Giant royalty."
With that Drylund immediate becomes hostile and says, "C'mon Sid, let's do this!" as his tiny pet octopus more than triples in size to become a Giant Octopus!
Drylund attempts to enshroud himself in a spell, but Jormo Counterspells his effort.
Zep casts a Darkness spell on his ring, essentially blinding everyone in the small room. For most of fight nobody sees much of what's going on. Drylund seems to be lashing out with psychic tentacle attacks, along with spells that effect their minds as Dissonant Whispers force Jormo to momentarily flee the dark room.
Since Lyra can't see, she destroys the water in the octopus's aquarium which enrages the beast as it spends the rest of the fight blindly sloshing its tentacles around after her.
Zep is the only one who can see thanks to the abilities his patron bestowed on him, but he has to take a moment to conjure his blade to his hand before he can take advantage of it. Meanwhile Drylund lands a couple lucky Rapier thrusts against the Kenku in the Darkness.
Lyra similarly lands a lucky hit with a Guiding Bolt, but the extra light that normally sheds off the hit creature can't permeate the magical darkness.
Zdravko continues to swim home.
Beau lines up where she knows Drylund is and hopes an ally isn't directly behind him and unleashes a Lightning Bolt - unseen in the darkness but just as deadly. Drylund attempts his own Lightning attack, but still essentially blind, misses.
After a couple missed Firebolts Jormo yells for Zep to cancel the Darkness. Zep keeps the spell active, but covers the ring, thus obscuring the darkening effect. Jormo slings a cold orb at the injured Lord Drylund's head with the intent to subdue him rather than kill him and it works!
The force of the orb's impact combined with the brain-freeze like effect drops Khaspere Drylund to his knee as he calls out, "Please, I surrender, I surrender. I don't want to die." He tells Sid the octopus that it's over and to go out and get some water. The octopus shrinks back to its tiny size as it slowly crawls up the wall towards the port hole window which Beau opens for it.
They tie up the captain and Jormo reminds them that the wizard in the yellow robe will only Banished for a few more seconds.
Beau demands Khasphere Drylund tell them, "Where is the Storm Giant, King Hekaton?"
Drylund, out of breath responds, "Very well, I.. I guess I can tell you. You've earned it, apparently."
"The Big One you seek – the Storm Giant Hekaton – is subdued by enchanted shackles and sails aboard a strange-looking vessel called "The Morkoth." It's veiled from all divination, and light bends around it until one is within a certain distance. It sails around the northern isles of the Trackless Sea day and night. If you... "
He stops talking. His voice catches in his throat as the veins in his neck bulge. Drylund's eyes grow wide with terror and become bloodshot as he rigidly grabs his head in agony. He opens his mouth as if to scream in pain, but nothing more than a strained, prolonged gasp escapes. He goes limp and slumps to the floor – blood begins to trickle out his ears. He is dead.
Jormo finds a key on his body and begins checking drawers for any addition evidence they can give Yartar's Waterbarron. He finds a journal in a drawer beneath the now-empty aquarium.
Beau checks the hallway just in time to see the woman in the yellow robe coming. He shuts the door and warns the group they may have to fight again.
Zep uncovers his Darkness ring to conceal them, and Beau hidden in the darkness casts Disguise Self to look like Drylund.
Zdravko continues to swim home.
Akane Manaasi flings open the door and seeing only darkness calls out, "What's going on in here?"
Beau, flawlessly imitating Drylund's voice tries to buy them time to think of a plan, "The intruders hid a darkness object somewhere in here. I'm looking for it.
Akane, "Would you like help, sir?"
Beau as Drylund, "Yes?" (internally screaming).
Akane, "What does the object look like? I can attempt to locate it with magic."
Beau as Drylund, "I didn't see it."
Akane, "I don't know how much help I can be, but I will try." She enters into the room. "The intruders... who are they sir? Where are they now?"
Beau as Drylund, "They came looking for Hekaton."
Akane, "I'm sorry sir, what?"
Beau as Drylund, "They're trying to find the Storm Giant."
Akane, "I'm sorry sir, but I don't know what you're talking about."
With that, Zep leaps at her through the darkness and grapples her in choke-hold, covering the Darkness ring in the process.
Akane sees Drylund laying in a pool of blood and also Drylund standing above Drylund's body.
Jormo cries out, "Oh no! you've killed our friend who was disguised as Drylund!"
Akane Manaasi demands to know what's going on.
Beau explains that her boss is caught up in some bad happenings and after he confessed, it seems like someone performed a psychic assassination on him from elsewhere.
The woman in the yellow-green snake robe doesn't seem at all surprised to hear of Drylund's extracurricular business dealings, but after further questioning Beau is pretty certain that Akane Manaasi herself is innocent of any of it and just acts as the security officer of the Grand Dame.
Akane proposes that if they let her go, she can assume the role of running the casino in Drylund's stead, make it her own business, and in the process completely cover for them and attribute Drylund's death to "unseen assassins who never made themselves known." Beau says that sounds good, ONLY if Akane releases their friend from her Suggestion and Akane agrees.
Zdravko stops swimming home and shouts, "SON OF A B----!!!" before turning around, flying into a rage and swimming back towards the boat at top speed!
When the monk returns, Beau has to convince Zdravko not to attack the security officer, but that doesn't stop him from aggressively drying himself off on her robe - which unflappably she appears to ignore.
They spend the rest of the night gambling and schmoozing and eating from the buffet as if nothing had happened, and none of the guests see Khaspere Drylund for the rest of the evening (or ever again).
To be continued...
submitted by Yesh_Vroo to stormkingsthunder [link] [comments]

WTS some GEC’s, a Spyderco and two Kershaw add on’s.

What’s up Swap? I’ve got some I am cutting from my collection. I’ve got a two GEC’s a Spyderco PM2 and a couple of Kershaw Leeks (add ons).
1st up, Im giving this one to u/WVPapaw. This year has been shit on top of shit, well, for dudes alike. Anyway, we still have 3 months left on the bright side but fuck 2020 any way. That being said, the 14 is Given away. I respect a man who sells his stuff to help others like that, his boy and the fire and all that shit. Im from and live in so cal, although I wasn’t directly affected by the fires this place has been shit, air quality and all. Depressing like shit. He’s been trying to sell all of his quality traditionals for his boy and his boy’s family. This one is yours brotherman. If you want to keep or sell it, I don’t care, it’s yours!
GEC 620320(A). This is the model with red & black linen micarta. This ones has a beautiful combination of red and black with the covers coupled by brass pins. What I mean by that is it is a lovely sight to see when the blades are closed. The blades are satined finished, running on half stops and all have a 6 pull. Blades are well centered, Craftsmanship at it’s finest! No patina or pitting-anywhere. Comes with tube. $WITHDRAWN
GEC 892210(B). It is a riverboat gambler (melon tester) with gabon ebony covers. IMO the covers are unique because there is streaking of blonde highlights on both covers but more dominant on the pile side cover. The main pen blade has a 5 and a half pull and secondary pen blade has a 6 pull and both run on cam tangs, no half stops. Both blades have rub marks (highlighted in the pics). Northfield trim with polished blades and bolsters- the bolsters and end caps are double lined and pinched. LNIT $WITHDRAWN
Spyderco PM2(B) M390 DLT exclusive with red g-10 scales. Comes with box, paper work and sticker. I’ve carried, Cut and stropped this one. Also, I swapped the clip from tip down to tip up carry. With that said, this thing looks brand new and is shaving sharp. I stropped the factory edge with 4 micron to 1 micron on bass wood and although the entire edge is still shaving sharp there are still parts of the blade that will whittle hairs. I have another PM2 in M390 that I got in C condition with some scratches on the blade that makes its way in my rotation that I carry so this one is going. Blade is centered. $OLD.
Last is a couple of add on’s. Two Kershaw Leeks both have 14C28N blades. $20 each or I’ll sell them as a package deal 2 for $OLD thats 2 for one pretty much.
All prices PayPal G&S shipped Conus. Thank you for the interest stay up K_S!🍻
submitted by 909Cut to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

Red Dead Online: Gamblers

“Have you ever felt bored ? Living a life with no fun, doing the same thing everyday ? Knowing perfectly what tomorrow will be ? Every man needs a bit of risk in his life, and I can give you this taste of danger, with nothing, but a set of cards. So, are you playing ?”
A new career on the horizon...
This Red Dead Online new update introduce a new role for compulsive players: the gambler. Meet the poker legend Daniel J D’arby (hello my fellow jojo fans) to acquire the gambler card. This will identify you as a professional player, and will grant you access to the various private gambling tables, where there’s money and beer for everyone. If you’re good, of course…
The gambler role has 20 levels, including:
-4 fancy-high class outfits to impress your opponents
-the Wilkinson jewel, a dice-shaped crystal to wear with your belt
-The Derringer pocket pistol, a small firearm with two bullets, easy to hide from guards
-The Azteca horse, a majestic, sure-footed horse, perfect for triumphant entries in town...or less triumphant getaways when your gambling friends realised you cheated.
And much more !
Vice in High Society…
Progress in the gambler role to unlock secret gambling table all over the five states. There, players don’t go easy with gambling, so get ready to raise. A riverboat in the middle of the lake, a train travelling from west to east, or a party at the Braithwaite manor, rich gamblers like fancy places. In these areas, you can do various things: drinking, impress ladies, and play of course. But be careful, guards won’t let you enter armed, and things can degenerate fast...hopefully, a gambler has always an ace in the hole, and in this case, the ace is a deadly derringer pistol ! These small firearms can be hidden from the guards, and are quite useful for threatening a cocky opponent…but be careful, you won’t have a lot of bullets with you. Play smart, play risky, and cheat if necessary, like any good gambler...
There’s for everyone !
The update does not only add a new role, but also improve the gambling system in online. Now you can play dominos, blackjack, or knife game in the main towns. You can even play at your camp ! Tell me, is there something better than losing the equivalent of a week of hard work only because of silly cards ?
For fellow gunfighters…
Leave whatever you’re doing and go to your gunsmith ! The brand new Lightning revolver has arrived ! This fine firearm is probably the fastest six-shooter in the east. A pair of these beauties will melt everything between you and your hapiness, and you don’t want something between you and your hapiness, right ?
submitted by DeLaBuse to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

Have You Had This Happen?

My brother and I both do research on our family tree. For years we thought that a third great-grandfather was who we had been told he was. In speaking with some second and third cousins from the particular line they are saying the family story is he isn't the father of our two times great-grandfather. His brother is. That would make the two times the nephew of who we have thought was the three times. We have a birth certificate that says the one we have always thought to be the correct one is the correct one. But, the family members say the real father (not on the birth certificate) was a scoundrel, a riverboat gambler, always in trouble with the law, and never married. But, they feel confident he is the father, not his brother.
Was it possible in the mid to late 1800s to have a birth certificate "fixed"? Anyone know of any other way to see if what the family is saying is correct? It doesn't affect going back to the parents of the two brothers. They would be the correct parents no matter which son was the father in question.
No one questioned any of this before as we had the birth certificate which some family members are now saying was filled out in error to protect the mother, as they did in those days.
Any thoughts, ideas, etc are appreciated.
submitted by MrFSS to Genealogy [link] [comments]

40 Best Songs of All Times About Poker, Dice, Cards and Addiction

40. Go Down Gamblin’ - Blood Sweat and Tears

Released in 1971, Go Down Gamblin’ by Blood Sweat and Tears is a song describing a gambler who is “born a natural loser.” He never wins, no matter what game he plays, but, he doesn’t feel like a loser. As the song goes – “Cause I've been called a natural lover by that lady over there, Honey, I'm just a natural gambler but I try to do my share.”

39. Gambler - Madonna

Gambler is a song written and played by Madonna, made for the film Vision Quest. Although the song reached the top 10 in the charts of the UK, Australia, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, and Norway, Madonna performed it only once on her 1985 The Virgin Tour. It’s a catchy song, we suggest you play it as you spin the reels of some of your favourite retro online slots.

38. The House of the Rising Sun - The Animals

Our list wouldn’t be complete without the 1964 hit song - The House of the Rising Sun by The Animals. Everybody knows the famous lines ”My mother, she was a tailor, sewed these new blue jeans, my father was a gamblin' man way down in New Orleans.” This single had a major success and made it to the top 10 songs on mainstream rock radio stations in the USA. Likewise, the hit was featured in the video game Guitar Hero Live.

37. The Winner Takes It All - ABBA

Whether we admit it or not, we all love at least some songs played by the very well-known Swedish pop group, ABBA. According to some sources, Bjorn Ulvaeus wrote the 1980 hit song The Winner Takes It All which was inspired by his divorce to his fellow band member, Agnetha Fältskog. The winner takes it all is a sort of a comparison to a divorce (especially the part ”I've played all my cards and that's what you've done too, nothing more to say, no more ace to play”), where one of them is the winner and the other one is left with nothing. And things are just the same when it comes to gambling, so we’ve decided to put the song on our list.

36. Shape of my Heart - Sting

We’re all aware of the fact that our gambling behaviour can be influenced by certain types of music and that's because online gambling and music go hand in hand. So, we suggest you start playing your preferred games with one of everyone’s favourite songs by Sting called The Shape of my Heart. It was released in 1993 and used for the end credits of the film Léon. In one of his interviews, Sting explained that the lyrics of the song tell the story of a card player who places bets not in order to win but to figure out something that’s been bothering him - “some kind of scientific, almost religious law.”

35. All I Wanna Do Is Play Cards - Corb Lund

Well, I guess I really oughta be makin up songs but all I wanna do is play cards. I know it's dumb and sick and wrong but all I wanna do is play cards. Got the studio booked in Tennessee, and my record producer's callin me, the tape will roll in just three weeks and all I wanna do is play cards.” Does it sound familiar? It’s a 2005 hit by Corb Lund called All I Wanna Do Is Play Cards, once you hear it you’ll be playing it on repeat.

34. Gambling Man - The Overtones

When you’re falling in love, it’s perfectly normal to feel like you want to gamble everything just to attract that person’s attention to notice you and love you back. Well, Gambling Man is a lively 2010 song that tells a story of a guy fascinated with his love, so he places all his bets on her, as the song goes - “I played my hand, I rolled the dice, now I'm paying for my sins, I got some bad addiction.” This time, he feels that this love affair is different from any other – “Baby, it's you, yeah, yeah, that's right.” The song was released in 2010 and has been popular ever since.

33. Poker Face - Lady Gaga

Although the Poker Face song is more about the game of romance rather than the game of poker, the catchy refrain that starts with “Can't read my, no he can't read my poker face” kinda reminds us of winning at the tables, so we couldn’t skip it this time. Released in 2008, the song achieved worldwide success, topping the charts in the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada and several European countries.

32. Little Queen of Spades - Robert Johnson

Moving on to the Little Queen of Spades, a song title by the American blues musician Robert Johnson who recorded the song in 1937 and first released it in 1938. The first version of this gambling-themed song has a playing time of 2:11, whereas the second one lasts 4s longer (2:15), and is considered an alternate take and first appeared on Johnson's album The Complete Recordings, in 1990.

31. Train of Consequences - Megadeth

Another great song Train of Consequences is the title created by Megadeth, released as the first single from their sixth studio album Youthanasia in 1994. The song was later included on their compilation albums and its music video was the 26th most played video on MTV. There’s this part of the song “No horse ever ran as fast as the money that you bet, I'm blowing on my cards and I play them to my chest” – which is about a person’s gambling problem, who realises something’s wrong with this lifestyle, but it still hunts him down. Could be just the thrill, but he just can’t stop playing.

30. Gambler - Whitesnake

Released on the album Slide It In (1984) and appearing on the compilation album Gold (2006), Gambler is the song by the British hard rock band Whitesnake. These words may sound familiar - “No fame or fortune, no luck of the draw, when I dance with the Queen of Hearts, a jack of all trades, a loser in love, it's tearing my soul apart”. And in case you’ve never heard it, we think you should give it a shot, the chances are you’re going to love it!

29. Gambling Man - Woody Guthrie

Now here’s one single from 1957 - Gamblin' Man. The song was taped live at the London Palladium and published as a double A side, with Puttin' On the Style. Reaching #1 in the UK Singles Chart in the summer 1957, it was “the last UK number 1 to be released on 78 rpm format only, as 7' vinyl had become the norm by this time.” Written by Woody Guthrie and Donegan, this gambling themed song was produced by Alan Freeman and Michael Barclay.

28. Roll of the Dice - Bruce Springsteen

According to Songfacts, Roll of the Dice was the first Springsteen’s song he didn’t write by himself. In fact, E Street Band’s pianist Roy Bittan helped with the music, while Springsteen was in charge of the lyrics, starting with – “Well I've been a losin' gambler, just throwin' snake eyes, Love ain't got me downhearted. I know up around the corner lies, My fool's paradise in just another roll of the dice.” After he broke up the E Street Band in October 1989, Springsteen wrote lyrics for the Roll of the Dice (with two other songs) and liked them to the point where he began writing and recording more songs.

27. Queen of Diamonds - Tom Odell

Here’s one song about a gambling fanatic who’s trying to satisfy his own addiction but also someone else, hoping it’s going to save him. Released in 2018, Queen of Diamonds is Tom Odell’s song from the album Jubilee Road, based on the local characters that inspired this British songwriter to include the whisky-soaked gamblers who regularly visited one betting shop.

26. The Angel and the Gambler - Iron Maiden

Now, this song may divide Iron Maiden fans and it’s most probably because of its repetitive lyrics that can be a bit annoying. The release we’re talking about is The Angel and the Gambler. Truth be told, the melody in general is very catchy and, even a bit similar to The Who in some moments. As the song was released in 1998 while Blaze Bayley was its frontmen, it’s missing the well-known high-pitch vocals from Bruce Dickinson.

25. Ramblin' Gamblin Man - Bob Seger

We’re moving on to a rock single from 1978 - Ramblin' Gamblin Man by Bob Seger. The author meets an old acquaintance, a professional gambler who happens to be a swagger. As such, he attracts people’s attention whenever he bets. Putting so much of his faith in the cards (rather than in people), he walks away every time, just before avoiding loss. Along the way, the narrator realises that, if you scratch beneath the surface, you’ll find he’s a very cynical man, who will never change.
Another gambling-themed song worth mentioning by Bob Seger is Still The Same.

24. Blow Up The Pokies - The Whitlams

Blow up the Pokies is the next song on our list, played by The Whitlams. It is the second single by the group from their 4th studio album, Love This City. Released in the year 2000, the song became a hit and made it to number 21 on the ARIA Singles Chart. According to several resources, the lyrics written by singer Tim Freedman were inspired by the destruction he saw in original Whitlams bassist Andy Lewis's life, due to his gambling addiction.

23. A Good Run of Bad Luck - Clint Black

Now here’s one 1994-song packed with gambling-related terms. As you listen to A Good Run of Bad Luck, recorded by American music artist Clint Black, you'll have a bit of fun as you try identifying what all these gambling terms mean. The song is a bit fast and is about falling in love by using gambling metaphors. The main character is willing to spend a lot of money to win his special lady over and, although he has had a period of bad luck, he is not giving up – “I've been to the table, and I've lost it all before, I'm willin' and able, always comin' back for more.

22. When You’re Hot, You’re Hot - Jerry Reed

Jerry Reed won a Grammy for the song When You’re Hot, You’re Hot which was released in 1971. Most people remember it as it was a major hit, ranked as number 1 in the country charts, also making its way up the Pop Top 40. It’s an enjoyable novelty song about the ups and downs of the gambling life, about one’s winning streak caught in an illegal game of Crap.
Country star Jerry Reed also came up with a version The Uptown Poker Club in 1973.

21. Lawyers, Guns and Money - Warren Zevon

Next one up - Lawyers, Guns and Money is a song by Warren Zevon, the closing track on his album Excitable Boy, released in 1978. An edited version of this song was distributed as a single and found itself on the A Quiet Normal Life best of compilation on the CD and LP. The song goes like this - “I went home with a waitress the way I always do, how was I to know she was with the russians, too? I was gambling in Havana, I took a little risk Send lawyers, guns, and money Dad, get me out of this, hiyah!

20. The Lottery Song - Harry Nilsson

According to the man in the 1972 pop-rock song The Lottery Song by Harry Nilsson, there's more than one way to get to Vegas. Addressing his lover, the narrator mentions a few different options for buying a ticket and going to Sin City – “We could win the lottery we could go to Vegas,” and “We could wait till summer, we could save our money” as well as “We could make a record, sell a lot of copies, we could play Las Vegas.”

19. Casino Queen - Wilco

Now here’s one black-humoured gambling-themed song, released in 1995 and titled after a casino. Featuring a dirty electric guitar, Casino Queen was composed by an American songwriter, Jeff Tweedy, who wrote this song after playing a game in a riverboat casino accompanied by his dad. Inspired by the event, the author wrote: “Casino Queen my lord you're mean, I've been gambling like a fiend on your tables so green.

18. Have a Lucky Day - Morphine

Another song on our list that you simply must check out starts like this: “I feel lucky, I just feel that way, I'm on a bus to Atlantic City later on today. Now I'm sitting at a blackjack table and swear to God the dealer has a tag says, "Mabel." Hit me, hit me! I smile at Mabel, soon they're bringing complimentary drinks to the table.” Check it out yourself - it’s called Have a Lucky Day by Morphine.

17. Kentucky Gambler - Merle Haggard

Written by Dolly Parton and released in 1974, Merle Haggard’s Kentucky Gambler is another song on our ultimate gambling playlist that you should pay attention to. It’s about a miner from Kentucky who leaves his family to gamble, under the bright lights of Reno. Unsurprisingly, his winning streak comes to an end, and he loses all his winnings. All broke, he decided to return back home only when he arrived, he found out his wife was involved with someone else.

16. The Jack - AC/DC

The next song on our list will give you some adrenaline boost, for sure. It goes like this - “She gave me the queen, she gave me the king, she was wheelin' and dealin', just doin' her thing, she was holdin' a pair, but I had to try…” Sounds familiar? This song from the 1975s is called The Jack and is played by AC/DC and there’s no way you can skip it.

15. Blackjack - Ray Charles

Moving on to something a bit different - a melody that blackjack lovers can listen to as they play is Ray Charles’ Blackjack. Apart from being a good quality song from 1955, it carries an important message with an emphasis on how brutal the game of blackjack can be. Some sources say that Ray Charles wrote it after beating T-Bone Walker at a blackjack game session.
Yet another Ray Charles’ famous song about gambling is called a Losing Hand.

14. Ooh Las Vegas - Gram Parson

Ooh, Las Vegas, ain't no place for a poor boy like me”... is a song-into for Ooh Las Vegas which was written by Gram Parsons and Ric Grech. It was first released by Gram Parsons with Emmylou Harris in 1974. Playing this song would be perfect for the beginning of the road trip (i.e. to Las Vegas), especially if you have the energy to sing along.

13. The Stranger - Leonard Cohen

Published in 1968 and performed by Leonard Cohen, The Stranger appears in the The Ernie Game movie about a man released from a mental asylum. More appropriately, it is the perfect opening song in the 1971 Western McCabe & Mrs Miller, in which Warren Beatty plays a gambler. As you listen to this song (without watching the movie), it makes you see fascinating images of card games, smoky dreams, and concepts of risk versus safety.

12. Desperado - Eagles

Written by Glen Frey and Don Henley, Desperado song is one of The Eagles’ greatest hits from their 1973 album of the same name. The song features a classic tune while the ballad tells the story of a lone wolf imprisoned by his loneliness. As for the lyrics, they have loads of card references mentioning the queen of diamonds, the queen of hearts, and so on.

11. Huck's Tune - Bob Dylan

The next song on our list is about the risks of poker, money, and relationships, which are precisely what the movie Lucky You is all about. Does it ring a bell? That’s right, this 2007 song is called Huck’s Tune and is performed by Bob Dylan. Each of us can all relate to lines "You push it all in, and you've no chance to win, you play 'em on down to the end." Play the song and you’ll enjoy more than 4 amazing minutes of Bob Dylan.
Likewise, Bob Dylan recorded Rambling, Gambling Willie and Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts, both excellent and both inspired by gambling.

10. Four Little Diamonds - Electric Light Orchestra

A song by the British rock band Electric Light Orchestra Four Little Diamonds was released in 1983 and found itself on the album Secret Messages. The single wasn’t so popular in the US, being only 2 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, at number 86, and number 84 in the UK. This song refers to the singer’s cheating lover who tricked him out of a ring which had 'four little diamonds' on it.

9. You Can't Beat The House - Mark Knopfler

Moving on to our next choice for the day, You Can’t Beat the House. It’s the third song on the Get Lucky studio album released in 2009 by British singer-songwriter and guitarist Mark Knopfler. The album and the songs received favorable reviews with the album reaching the top three positions on album charts in Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, and Poland. The singer’s divine voice combined with beautiful music and lyrics goes like this – “You can't bear the house, you can't bear the house, tell the man somebody, you can't beat the house.

8. Deck of Cards - Don Williams

Deck of Cards is a recitation song that tells the story of a soldier who gets caught while playing cards in church and then faces a sentence from a superior officer. The soldier defends his case, explaining he wasn't about to deal a hand of poker, but was rather confirming his faith with the cards. Performed by T. Texas Tyler, the song managed to become a major hit in the 1940s and 1950s. Also, Wink Martindale had an even bigger hit with his 1959 cover, with a successful version by Don Williams featuring Tex Ritter and Buddy Cole.

7. Gambler’s Blues - B.B. King

First recording of the song Gambler’s Blues by B.B. King was in 1966, and it was released in 1967. The song appears on the album Back in the Alley (1970). Some say gambling and blues go hand in hand, so if you (gambling fans) haven’t heard it, listen and see for yourself.

6. Tumbling Dice - Rolling Stones

One of our favourite songs on the list is Tumbling Dice, written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. It tells the story of a gambler who can’t remain faithful to any woman. Being released in the 1970s and featuring a blues boogie-woogie rhythm, the song was and still is one of the greatest singles of all time.
Rolling Stones also recorded Casino Boogie, and it’s from their 1972 album, Exile on Main St.

5. Luck Be A Lady - Frank Sinatra

The next song on our list is about a gambler who hopes that he will win a bet, the outcome of which will decide whether he is able to save his relationship with the girl of his dreams. You probably know what song we’re talking about; it’s called Luck be a Lady released in 1965 and performed by one of the most popular musical artists - Frank Sinatra.

4. Deal - Grateful Dead

Next one up is the song Deal. It was first performed by the Grateful Dead in 1971, as a regular part of the repertoire through their 1970's tour. Although being less common to the fans during the 1990s, the band continued to perform it. The singer opens with the message: “Since it cost a lot to win and even more to lose you and me bound to spend some time wondering what to choose,” that later kicks off with a chorus: “Don't let your deal go down...
Loser is another song first performed by the Grateful Dead in 1971 as well, heavily played during 1971 and 1972.

3. Ace of Spades - Motörhead

Ok, the next song is loaded with some great gambling verses like "The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say, I don't share your greed, the only card I need is the Ace of Spades" will definitely set you in the right mood for hitting some winning combinations. Released in 1980, the song was inspired by slot machines that the lead singer Ian Fraser “Lemmy” Kilmister played in London pubs.

2. Viva Las Vegas - Elvis

As soon as you start playing the second song from our playlist “Viva Las Vegas,” you’ll probably picture a huge casino and a great gaming atmosphere. Performed by the legendary Elvis Presley, the 1964-released song brings the glamour of the city, and its beat will get you in the mood for some serious gameplay. This song was written for the movie of the same name starring Elvis Presley, in which he plays a race car driver waiting tables at a hotel to pay off a debt. There’s this famous scene when he performs this song at the talent competition alongside many showgirls.

1. The Gambler - Kenny Rogers

Performed by the legendary country singer Kenny Rogers, The Gambler song is our number 1 - it's full of some betting advice that are relevant today, even though it was released more than 40 years ago, in 1978. Here’s how it goes… “If you're gonna play the game, boy you gotta learn to play it right, you've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run.” These classic chorus lines were told from the first-person perspective inspired by a conversation the author had with an experienced poker player on a train. Written in the form of poker metaphors, Schlitz wrote the tune in honor of his late father.
Johnny Cash is also among other musicians who recorded The Gambler in 1978, on Gone Girl.

What do you think? Which one is your favourite?

submitted by askgamblers-official to onlinegambling [link] [comments]

Tales from the Tabasco Circuit #Pre-Season Introduction

Good afternoon Deaball Fans,
I, like much of you, found myself this summer bored without being able to check my sports websites for scores and updates so I turned to various other outlets of trying to simulate that experience. After some searching, I stumbled upon Deadball and it has been a a wonderful time. What really sold me on the game was the fact that you filled out a scorecard while doing it and that it was very easy to play in a solitaire-like fashion. My mind started percolating all the neat things one could do with this format and I bring to you my (hopeful) magnum opus: A recreation of the Evangeline League!
  1. What is the Evangeline League? - The Evangeline League was a class C/D(1934-1957) Minor League based entirely out of Louisiana, mostly in the southern half of the state. Because of the close proximity of most of the teams, the fans were rowdy and during the golden era of the league, they had relatively high attendance for a teams of that talent level. It was a wild league with betting scandals and brawls in the stands and was colloquial called the "Pepper Sauce League" or the "Tabasco Circuit" for both its location and the fiery happenings. I am taking some inspiration from W.M. Akers "Southern Circuit" in the fact that this will not be a minor league as players will play here there entire careers if possible.
  2. Who are the players? - All players are generated with the tools given in W.M. Akers first edition of "Deadball with Dice", and between various websites I managed to generate some names as well as an algorithm to "cajun-up" some of the names.
  3. What is the seasonal structure? - 8 teams will play a 126 game schedule ( 6 3-game series vs the other 7 teams) with a break in the middle for the All Star Classic. This will be the monumental part of it, but I think I'll be able to finish out the schedule in a year+ (I already have a week of series completed). Top 4 clubs make the playoffs with the opening round being best-of-three and the Evangeline League Championship being a normal 7 game series.
  4. Who are the teams? I have cobbled together what I believe are the 8 Signature franchises of the Evangeline League and are using those to recreate a fictionalized version of the 1946 season. In real life the 1946 season was the first after the league disbanded because of WW2 from 1943-1945. Below are little team previews for each of the eight ball clubs that will hopefully give the readers a rooting interest in the happenings of fictional players from a defunct league.
  5. When is the league taking place and when are you updating? - I am doing a fictionalized version of the 1946 season which was the first after the league's postponement due to WW2. The league is as wide open as ever, which father time taking away some of the legendary Evangeline players. I plan on updating every time I finish a 4 series set, and hopefully will be better at Reddit posting to where I can include the standings as well statistical leaders (I am a statistician by trade so of course I'm keeping all these fictional records haha)
Abbeville Athletics - Sleepy's campaign versus Father Time.
Aging ace Roger "Sleepy" Woods( 37, SP, d12 CN+) has seen it all in his long tenure in the Evangeline League: World Wars, betting scandals, 20 win seasons, and has lasted on enough to have his son, Ricky Woods(19, RP, d4) make it on same staff as him. But one thing has eluded the talisman of the Abbevile franchise, an Evangeline League title. This year may be the best chance for the perennially fringe playoff team to make a run for the series. Recent addition of Darnell Harless(32, SP, D8) to bolster the starting staff along with the bullpen arms Caden Thibodeaux(23, RP, d8 CN+) and Martin Melancon (27, RP, d8 GB+) showing flashes of brilliance in spring training look to ease the yeoman-like load that Woods has had to carry all these years. Abbeville fans await the season with both excitement for the playoffs and the melancholy that this may be Robert's final season in Athletics park.
Alexandria Aces – The Pride of Northern LA look to bring Alexandria’s rebuild along ahead of schedule Even before the league took a break due to WW2, Alexandria was in the midst of a rebuild. The core players that had dominated the late 1930’s were looking a step too slow and their pitches a little less deceptive. Aces’ Owner “Boudin” Toussiant set out during the war year with a singular mission: find the best high school players North Louisiana had to offer as these players could train and not worry about being drafted into the war. Thankfully the fields of Northern LA were fertile and turned up a number of great prospects, most notably: Joel Guidry (22, 1B, 35/43, Monroe), Jack Hollinshead (20, CF, 29/38 P++, Bunkie), and Max Thomas (19, 2B, 30/39, Boyce). That combined with some pitching staff comprised of players from the halcyon era of Alexandria baseball (Leon Leblanc and Charlie Cormier) the Aces look to bring an interesting mix of future promise and past greatness to the Evangeline League this season.
Baton Rouge Redsticks - Grand Isle Champions to Capital City contenders?
The Redsticks capped off a blistering tour of the Grand Isle Spring Training League by bringing in heightened expectations for this year's season. Can BR's "Whiz Kids" continue this torrid pace and bring a title to the Capital City? It’s going to fall on their talented trio of Power Hitters who dubbed themselves the "Riverboat Gamblers" Mark McClelland (22, 1B, 31/34 P++), Declan Fisher (38, RF, 31/36 P+) and Johnny Bourgeois (21, LF, 21/27 P++) are ready to bet big on their hitting prowess and send a number of balls into the Mississippi. Their hitting is matched by a staff with 2 young aces, 19 year olds Ashton Romero (SP, d12 ST+) and Duluth Lusk (SP, d8 K+) who will not only be competing for most wins on the BR staff, but who's cheering section of co-eds is the loudest. Only one question remains: can all this promising young talent actually translate into wins or are they just paper tigers?
Hammond Berries - Will the record-breakers finally stop breaking their own hearts?
Hammond has stockpiled talent and assembled the deepest collection of hitters in the league. The team looks to return to what the Berries were known for, bruising offense and slick infield play. Giovanni Mendoza (19, SS, 21/26 S+D+) and Graham Marchand III (24, 2B, 34/44 D+) are the best double play pair in the league and Victor Venters (22, SP, d12) is a star in the making. However, one has to address the other part of Hammond's history, post-season failure. Having not advanced to an Evangeline League Final since the 1936 season, with fate always taking it in the cruelest of fashion. Whether it be Donald Levert's (Lafayatte SP) homerun to win game 3 of an opening series 1-0 in 1936 or having your end of season hot streak snapped by mother nature herself (Hurricane of 1940 delaying the post season) Berry fan have come to expect the worst. This year's gotta be the year though, right?
Houma Indians – Will a 4-year break finally allow Houma to just play baseball again?
At some point we have to address the elephant in the room. In 1941(in real life this happened in 1946), the Houma Indians were accused and convicted of throwing the opening round series against the New Iberia Pelicans. This scandal cast a shadow not only over the Houma franchise but also for the league itself. The 1942 season was bleak for Houma, some of their best players were banned from the league due to their involvement with local bookies and the fans never cared to show up. However, during the break massive changes were made to the franchise, first the team was sold to local businessman and beer magnate Donny “Smoke” Dupuis. Along with his new manager Ronnie Prejean, Dupuis orchestrated an entire roster turnover of the Indians bringing in players from the Texas League as well as local industrial leagues. These roster moves along with the league’s postponement has allowed bayou area fans’ hearts to heal, absence does make the heart grow fonder after all. While Houma may not compete for a playoff this year, they are most certainly going to compete with integrity.
Lafayette Bulls - Can a Repeat double as a swan song?
Only in the Evangeline League can a repeat be 4 years in the making. The 1942 Lafayette Bulls won the Evangeline League in surprising fashion of the Thibodaux Giants. They were poised to make another run in the 1943 season until the whole league itself was postponed. When the telegram game through from the league office in Baton Rouge, the Bulls core made a pledge to put on the cleats one more time for a title defense whenever they got the chance. Major contributors from that 1942 team that still remain are staff ace Donald Levert(40, SP, d8), lead-off man Andrew Rees (39, CF, 25/32 S+D+), power-hitter Dustin Thibodeaux(39, SS, 28/31 P+). Owen Frye (30, C, 23/30) and Deangelo Ewing(29,SP,d8) were considered to be the future of the 1942 team, but their patriotic duty robbed them of competing throughout their entire prime. Lafayette coach Jacob Comeau has proclaimed that the title still runs through Girard Park, and that they shouldn’t sleep on newcomer Harry Le (20, RP, d12 K+) as he may be the actual reason the Bulls may be able to contend for a title after a 4 year layoff.
New Iberia Pelicans – All they have to do is get to the 8th with a lead, but who’s gonna score the runs?
The Pelicans are trying to change the baseball equation: What if you only had to win a 7-inning baseball game instead of the normal 9. New Iberia fields two possible all-star relievers in Seth Trahan(25, RP(L), d12) and Eric Austin (23, RP(R), d12) who can freely switch between setup and closers depending on the lineup. The Pels suffer from a lack of dominant hitting and are kept afloat by aging slugger Hubert Landry (35, RF, 33/37 P+). Klark Darwish (24, SS, 29/35) and Duane Dickerson (25, 1B, 28/36) round out the other bright spots in the lineup. Some think New Iberia’s gambit of a stellar bullpen is out of necessity, I’m pretty sure the New Iberia’s head coach thinks he’s found out a way to compete with the top of the division.
Thibodaux Giants – Thunderous Giants look to stay on top for the whole season.
The Giants are fielding what is to be considered one of the best position-by-position lineups in all of the Evangeline League. Mark Fryou (22, 2B, 33/44), Salvatore Sawyer (24, CF, 30/37 C+), Otto Trahan (26, 1B, 34/45) and Morris Breaux (40, C, 32/42 P+) form a stellar top of the batting order that is sure to put opposing pitching staffs on the back foot early, where they should be able to cover up for Thibodaux’s lack of a true ace. The Giants were looking to challenge Lafayette in 1942 but their inexperience caught up to them. Hopefully the 4 year gap has hopefully seasoned this team enough to become a smart title pick for 1946. While questions remain about their slim bench and rotation, there’s no doubt you will see several Thibodaux names leading the Triple Crown Stat,s. Let’s just hope it translates to post season wins too.
Thanks to this subreddit for allowing me to share my love of simulations and building narratives about of numbers!
submitted by TabascoCommish to DeadballDice [link] [comments]

[OC] It's silly season, so I wrote a silly ProRel Simulator

US Soccer ProRel Simulator

Greetings, and welcome to the US Soccer ProRel Simulator. Since it's the start of the silly season, I wanted to make a silly post containing what I like to call the ProRel simulator, a quick script I wrote that uses old standings data from MLS and lower divisions.
The script swaps "futures" of teams to "predict" what today's soccer climate would look like if we had promotion-relegation in the US Soccer system. This post is meant solely for giggles and bait for those who can't resist the temptation.

How It Works

When clubs are promoted/relegated, they "swap futures", meaning that they just assume the position the other team had in the next league. This has some interesting side effects, such as relegated teams folding immediately (pretty realistic!).
Additionally, I took some liberties as to what defines "D2", i.e. USL from 2010-2017. If there were two "D2" leagues in the same year, I merged them together and based standings off of their per-game stats.

The Rules

  1. The US Soccer Pyramid starts in 1996.
  2. MLS is the only D1 league.
  3. 3 clubs are promoted or relegated each season.
  4. Reserve sides cannot be promoted.
  5. Teams can "buy into" the first division (aka expansion teams that did not earn promotion), since this is America after all.
  6. Relocated teams, such as San Jose to Houston, are not considered the same club.
  7. Clubs are based on an ID, not a name, so renamed clubs are considered in the simulator. I actually learned a lot while tracking down historic names!

Division 2

1996 - Merged A-League/USISL 1997-2004 - A-League 2005-2009 - USL 2010 - Merged USSF D2/USL Div 2 2011-2017 - Merged NASL/USL 2018 - USL

Getting Started - 1996

1996 MLS Standings
  1. Tampa Bay Mutiny
  2. Los Angeles Galaxy
  3. D.C. United
  4. Dallas Burn
  5. Kansas City Wizards
  6. MetroStars
  7. San Jose Clash
  8. Columbus Crew
  9. New England Revolution
  10. Colorado Rapids
1996 Division 2 Standings
  1. Carolina Dynamo
  2. Montreal Impact
  3. South Carolina Shamrocks
  4. California Jaguars
  5. Long Island Rough Riders
  6. Milwaukee Rampage
  7. Hampton Roads Mariners
  8. Minnesota Thunder
  9. Colorado Foxes
  10. Sacramento Scorpions
  11. Richmond Kickers
  12. Tampa Bay Cyclones
  13. El Paso Patriots
  14. New Mexico Chiles
  15. Seattle Sounders
  16. Connecticut Wolves
  17. Rochester Rhinos
  18. New Orleans Riverboat Gamblers
  19. Vancouver 86ers
  20. Raleigh Flyers
  21. Ohio Xoggz
  22. Delaware Wizards
  23. New York Fever
  24. Chicago Stingers
  25. Cape Cod Crusaders
  26. Reno Rattlers
  27. Atlanta Ruckus
  28. New York/New Jersey Stallions


I'd love to go into detail season by season, but that post would be ridiculously long. If you want to explore each season yourself, check out this spreadsheet of all seasons


After all the dust has settled, here's the final result. There are many fascinating members of MLS, such as New York Cosmos, Chivas USA, and Puerto Rico FC. Division 2 features some funny occurrences, such as NYRB II over NYRB, as well as LAG, SKC, and many other top flight teams in the second division. Why don't see your club in 2019? I think you already know the answer...

Fun Narratives

List of Champions

1996 - Tampa Bay Mutiny 1997 - D.C. United 1998 - Los Angeles Galaxy 1999 - D.C. United 2000 - Kansas City Wizards 2001 - Miami Fusion 2002 - Los Angeles Galaxy 2003 - Chicago Fire 2004 - Milwaukee Wave United 2005 - Charleston Battery 2006 - D.C. United 2007 - D.C. United 2008 - Charleston Battery 2009 - Charleston Battery 2010 - Toronto FC 2011 - Toronto FC 2012 - Carolina RailHawks 2013 - Rochester Rhinos 2014 - Montreal Impact 2015 - Rochester Rhinos 2016 - Portland Timbers 2017 - New York Cosmos 2018 - Rochester Rhinos 2019 - Los Angeles Football Club
This was done out of jest, so don't take it too seriously. If you want access to raw data to have your own fun, check it out here. Enjoy!
submitted by SuperSans to MLS [link] [comments]

Steve Young on Mason Rudolph: "Let the linemen take care of it". Also Philip Rivers, Tua, Niners' next three games, Colts/Texans

Steve Young appeared on ESPN's Pardon the Interruption today. Topics:
submitted by TMWNN to nfl [link] [comments]

Jonsie vs EK65, kinda makes you go "Hmmmmmmm"

When I think back to when Jones' decline started, it was right around the start of last season. What was one of the biggest changes? A new defenseman that was logging a ton of minutes.
Not just any defenseman, but one that takes that first part of his title for granted. Let's face it, EK65 is one of the worst in zone defenders in the NHL. He's particularly bad at covering his guy, especially around the net and on the back door. He's much too concerned with watching the puck. He's also quite the riverboat gambler when it comes to giving up odd man breaks thanks to his proclivity to want to jump up and steal the puck.
Jonsie's game is all about how he plays down low, in traffic, controls rebounds, and really helps out his defense in scrambles around the net. Even in his slumps, this part of his game stayed strong. His weakness is high snipes starting from about 15 feet out, where he tends to have subpar NHL hands on both glove and blocker side. When he was playing really well two seasons back, he started playing much more aggressive on shooters, coming out on top of his crease and challenging. This is key for butterfly goalies to take away angles. Even more important when you don't have lightning speed hands, taking away the corners with your upper body forces shooters to miss the net. The Sharks defense seemed to play well to that by covering the off guys and tying up sticks to prevent passes behind him, giving him even more confidence to challenge.
Enter EK65 and suddenly that back door had a welcome mat on it. At that start of last year, many of the goals that got by Jones were uncovered backside tap ins or one timers. Karlsson was the worst offender but it was also contagious. Burns seemed to wander even more than normal, and then poor Vlasic who tried to overcompensate for EK65's negligence found himself out of position often too.
Think back to when Jones' recovery kicked in last season. It was shortly after Karlsson went on the IR at the end of 2018. He continued to be much stronger down the stretch and for most of the playoffs, also coinciding with Karlsson rehabbing and barely playing.
Now, while it's a tiny sample, he has one of his best games in forever today when a certain Dman wasn't in the lineup. Kind of makes you wonder just how much his concern for poor defense messes with his play.
submitted by Zymgie to SanJoseSharks [link] [comments]

Forza Horizon 5- Ultimate Wishlist

Well, here it is. It's done. My entire list of things I want in Forza Horizon 5. This ranges from gameplay mechanics and quality-of-life changes, to future barn finds and music. I've been working on this since November, so if you have a grievance with a certain feature please be sure to explain why.
  1. Horizon 5 absolutely needs to be set in Japan. It's required, nobody should abject this.
  2. The mysterious, iconic, hidden "Unrecoverable Supra" can be found as a Beauty Spot.
  3. Now that Toyota's back, can we have the 2020 Supra as the cover car?
THE HORIZON FESTIVAL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Go back to the game's roots festival-wise. Have lots of emphasis on music and live performances. This being stated, disable the feature seen in 3&4 where you can change music on the fly at the Festival Site.
  2. Legitimate Festival T-Shirts. The first shirt you unlock in Horizon 4 is a festival shirt, but it's incredibly generic. The starter shirt in Horizon 5 should say "HORIZON FESTIVAL 2021" on the front and on the back have a lineup of all the bands and artists whose music is going to appear in the game. You know, like actual music festival shirts??
  3. Actually have the bands performing on stage. Music is emitted from the stage, but no one is there, or if there is, it's a generic NPC. Have the actual band members performing the songs onstage. I know the expensive long process of getting a real person in a game, but they're going to be seen from a distance, they don't have to be super detailed, just resemble them from a distance.
  4. Make the music sound legitimate. When you're at the festival in Horizon 4, the music coming from speakers is just the studio recording. I suggest two versions of each song saved in the game. The normal studio version when you're away doing races or cruising around, but have a recorded version of when the performer(s) played a song live when you roll up to the festival. This will make it SO much more immersive.
  1. Hyperdrift Radio- Due to the game's setting being Japan, we need to get into the mood, style and aesthetics of Japan of course. Hyperdrift Radio is a brand new station that features Eurobeat and Vaporwave music, perfect for drifting and flying past opponents.
  2. Please bring back the custom music option from Forza Horizon 3. I know Groove Music has been retired, but I think a Horizon X Spotify collaboration would be really nice. When it comes to 100% completion players like me, the current music gets REALLY old when driving. Hey, a Spotify shirt would be a free unlock if you connected your account?
3.What if each season had it's own music lineup? I know it'd be expensive to buy all that music for use, but it'd be worth it in my opinion.
  1. Horizon XS features these songs (among others) (starred* songs are HIGHLY recommended)
Black Pistol Fire - Level*
Cage The Elephant - Broken Boy*
Death From Above 1979 - NVR4EVR*
Dinosaur Pile-Up - 11:11 (Radio Edit)*
Riverboat Gamblers - A Choppy, Yet Sincere Apology
Greenleaf - High Fever*
Kasabian - Fast Fuse
Liily - Toro*
Plauge Vendor - I Only Speak In Friction*
Rise Against - The Violence
Royal Blood - Where Are You Now?
  1. Horizon Pulse features these songs (among others)
Shamir - On The Regular
Two Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn
  1. Horizon Block Party features these songs (amon- you get the idea.)
Gang Starr - Now You're Mine
LL Cool J - Rock The Bells
Pete Rock & CL Smooth - They Reminisce Over You*
Kabuto The Python - Spetsnaz*
Busdriver - Imaginary Places
The Pharcyde - Passin' Me By*
  1. Horizon Bass Arena
Andromedik - Forever* (this should play during the opening race to the festival)
Bloc Party - Flux (12" Instrumental Remix)
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Cities In Dust* (Junkie XL Remix)
Kavinsky - Testarossa (SebAstian Remix)
KNOWER - Time Traveler
Matrix & Futurebound - All I Know*
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Hyperdrift Radio (like Timeless, they're not affiliated with the Festival.)
Ace - Tokyo Lights*
18 Carat Affair - Desire*
ESPIRITにちは - espirit.wav
ESPIRITにちは - iwillbe.wav (Extended Mix)*
Crystal Castles - Crimewave*
Dark Angel - Right Now
Dave Rogers - Deja Vu
Dreams West - Tribes*
Fastway - Rockin' Hardcore*
FrankJavCee - SimpsonWave1995
GLOOMCVLT - Banned From Living*
Go2 - Looka Bomba
Hotblade - Manifold Love (Eurobeat Mix)
Jean Love - Steel Blade
Leslie Parrish - Killing My Love*
luxury elite - Temptation
luxury elite - Mall Madness
Manuel - GAS GAS GAS* (Extended Mix)
Max Coveri - Running In The 90's*
MF DOOM - Zatar*
Nando - In My Supercar*
The Snake - Freedom Ride (Eurobeat Mix)
(seriously, if any of the above songs get put into the game i'll lose it)
AUCTION HOUSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Currently in the game, if someone makes a bid in the final few mins, the auction timer is raised by a minute. This can go on indefinitely provided all the bidders have infinite money. This is fine, but I think it should have a limited amount of additional time given before the timer won't renew.
  2. Private auctions. You can tag 1-4 users and have a private auction between only them. However, there is no max buyout, you actually have to make an auction bid, and the start bid is locked at the highest average price. Getting your rides sniped will be a thing of the past. Perfect compromise since the gifting car feature was removed.
  3. You can save and monitor auctions for later. If you see a nice car with a low bid but a high buyout with several hours to go, you can come back and bid on it in the last few mins so you don't attract attention and get 70 people bidding on the car.
  4. The Auction House is updated automatically and new auctions submitted are live. You don't need to back out and search again to get new auctions showing up.
  5. In car histories, the date they were purchased/won is there.
  6. You can track your sold cars and see if they're available again.
  7. Your AH purchases and sells (that's not a word, is it?) are permanently logged, along with the date, the price, and who bought it. It's all kept in a comprehensive list.
SKILL SCORES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Ultimate Airs are buffed to 1,000 points
  2. BETTER SKILL REGISTRY. I cannot count how many points worth of skill chains i've lost because the game didn't count a wreckage or drift skill at the last second.
  3. The skill score multiplier has an actual timer next to it. The fading text isn't enough.
  4. Your skill score timer cannot run out mid-air, the timer is paused until you hit the ground. This has been a thing in the games and it infuriates me as it discourages players to not make big jumps.
  5. Rewind should be a perk added, this perk would let you rewind "once" during your skill chain and keep it. Rewinding to gain a lost chain wouldn't apply.
  6. Foresight should be a perk added, this perk would have traffic show up as tiny dots on the minimap so they're easier to avoid.
MULTIPLAYER & FESTIVAL PLAYLIST----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. You aren't required to win an event for it to count towards your completion. Sure, you won't get the award, but it should count for the playlist regardless. It's annoying having to forcefully win a Trials or Playground Games event just for a car you already have so you can get a Playlist Completion Award.
  2. In ranked, cars should be permanently ghosted. Eliminate the opportunity for rammers to ruin the race entirely.
  3. Missing a checkpoint should not force a rewind. Missing one basically dooms you to last place in multiplayer. Instead, it should give you a temporary slowdown.
  4. To prevent wallriding, only slow the player if they're physically touching the wall. The current system is too sensitive and will penalize you even if you simply love-tap the wall.
  6. I suggest replacing freeroam rush with a Burnout Paradise-style racing type. Basically, you can take literally any route to the finish (asphalt and dirt), but you'll get reset if you drive off the road for longer then 10 seconds. Find your own route and figure out the fastest to win. This will actually take thinking and skill, and doesn't sound like the devs quickly and lazily thought it up.
  7. Playground Games has three different gamemodes. You can have a team win with a best 2/3. So why on earth is it a best 3/5 on the game? This is just plain inefficiency, it should have three rounds.
  8. 100%ing a season should award 5 super wheelspins. 100% on a Series would be 10 super wheelspins.
  1. Super Wheelspins will not contain common items.
  2. Wheelspins will not contain Autoshow Cars under 600K credits or under Legendary Rarity. To balance this out, getting cars will be rare.
  1. Tire Compound swapping shouldn't cost so much PI. The fact you can literally skip entire classes just by putting on race tires is ridiculous. Putting race tires on some D class cars will sometimes bump them UP TO A CLASS.
  2. For the love of everything automotive, nerf AWD swapping. The fact you instantly get maxed out launch and acceleration as well easier handling basically forces the player to AWD swap all their cars to be competitive. It's stupid, and doesn't feel right. AWD SHOULD add a little bit of launch and acceleration, but swapping to AWD should mainly go to building rally cars.
  3. When downloading other Tunes, the thumbnail of the tune will reflect the bodykits and wings/spoilers applied. I absolutely HATE forza aero, and when I can't get a certain PI and head to the tuning marketplace, all the thumbnails are the same despite the car having different kits applied, and it's a literal guess to find one without the ugly kits.
  4. Applying race weight reduction will actually remove the other seats and change the interior.
  1. DeBerti Designs, Pre-order cars, Barrett-Jackson, and Horizon Edition cars are in their own manufacturer categories.
  2. Pre-modifed cars (like HOONIGAN) will have their creation year the time they were modified, not the year the stock model was created.
  3. Sorting changes will be saved. If you organize your cars by PI Class, they'll stay that way unless you change it again.
  4. You can create custom categories like in Motorsport.
  5. New rarity: one-of-a-kind. Not sure what color it should be, but it means in real life, only one of the car exists. This applies to cars under HOONIGAN, Formula Drift, ETC. Also racing cars like the Audi Quattro S1, #199 Subaru WRX and the VW IDR.
FESTIVAL SHOWCASES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. You can blueprint showcase events. You obviously can't change the route or what you race, but the vehicle you use, the weather, the season, and the song that plays you can change.
  2. Drag Car on a straight VS. Skateboarder using a mega ramp would be pretty cool.
GAME PHYSICS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Please, i'm begging you. Don't change the drift physics at all. Horizon 3's drift physics had such a high learning curve i still haven't mastered it after all this time. Horizon 4's was hard, sure, but it took a reasonable amount of time to master. Drifting physics are creamy-smooth right now, please don't change it.
  2. Roadside objects slow you down waaaaay too much. This is an arcade racer, the only object that should actually slow you down when driving through it should be the drystone walls. Also, your cars should be able to break through them at any speed, getting stuck behind some tree or wall because you weren't going fast enough frustrates me.
  3. The debris from broken roadside objects should become intangible after a second or so. If they get stuck behind a curb or bump up and you're driving a low car, it will literally keep you from getting up the curb, and sometimes bounce you back. How does that work?
CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. More character age types. Current playable characters are fine and should return, but please, add some other options other then all the characters looking 24-32. It'd be neat if you could play as some old 48 year old boomer, or a young 19 year old kid. Getting tired of every selectable character being a millennial. More age diversity please! Also one template character should be the original Horizon 1 protagonist, complete with RBF.
  2. Legitimate body customization. While the classic default characters should serve as templates, it'd be nice to be able to change hairsyles, hair color, beard/mustaches for the dudes... HOWEVER, these should not be wheelspin prizes and all be available from the start of the game.
  3. Drop the dances. Please.
  4. But if you're gonna keep em, add the Spongebob Shuffle, Flare, and the Kazotsky Kick.
  5. Stop with all the ridiculous cosmetics. I get if you want some goofy headbands and hats, but cut it out with the big-eye googles, crowns, pumpkin masks. dumb chicken costumes included.
  7. Custom clothing. Like ones you can apply vinyls to.
CAR CUSTOMIZATION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Using other people's vinyls should NOT lock your design. it SHOULD however give a 3% cut to the original creator of the vinyl. The creator would also be notified that their design is being used.
  2. Options to remove front/rear bumpers, as well as the hood one some cars would be sick. Certain upgrades would make previously unavailable body removals usable, such as adding a Twin Turbo swap your Lamborghini would make the rear removable.
  3. Window stickers! However, you can't cover the entire windshield/window. You can cover the edges and passenger side of the windshield with as much as you like, but you can't just slap a massive sticker over the entire window/windshield.
  4. More bodykits from brands in general.
  5. Different Forza Aero options. The only one currently available is hideous on 99% of the cars in the game.
  6. Front/rear bumpers as well as doors can be painted individually.
  7. De-badging cars is an option.
  1. Street Scene should be one of the available race formats for custom routes.
  2. Blueprints are deletable.
  3. Street Scene should feel more illegal in general. Police sirens should be heard in the distance when doing a street race, and a police chopper flying over the race would be cool. Police will never chase or interact in any other way. This is Forza, not NFS.
  4. On higher difficulties, you must stay in-between the checkpoints for them to count. Driving directly over a flag doesn't count, although hitting the inner side does.
  5. Option to switch cars at the Race Start menu.
  6. When doing festival-based custom routes, Horizon barriers, screens, and bleachers will be present. This will automatically be done by the game if the player uses a straight or corner used in a developer-created route.
  7. Option to choose which direction the race starts in with custom checkpoints. It's extremely annoying finding the perfect start to your race only to find out the start is pointed in the opposite direction.
BARN FINDS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obviously not all, just suggestions.
  1. '98 Toyota Supra RZ
  2. '85 Sprinter Trueno GT Apex
  3. '94 Mazda MX-5 Miata
  4. '87 Nissan Skyline R31
  5. '67 Nissan Fairlady Z
  6. '95 Toyota MR2 GT
  7. '84 Honda CRX
  8. After unlocking a barn find, the same car is now available in the Autoshow. Autoshow based cars can be deleted, unlike their barn find counterparts.
HORIZON EDITION CARS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again, just suggestions.
  1. 1969 Dodge Charger T (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Air Skills Boost)
  2. 2002 Nissan Skyline GTR R34 (B-700 CLASS UPGRADE) (Speed Skills Boost)
  3. 2020 Supra GR (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Drift Skills Boost)
  4. 1985 Toyota Trueno (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Drift Skills Boost)
  5. 2018 McLaren Senna (X-999 CLASS UPGRADE) (Credits Boost)
  6. 1969 GTO Judge (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Burnout Skills Boost)
  7. 2011 Koenigsegg Agera (X-999 CLASS UPGRADE) (Air Skills Boost)
  8. 2002 Enzo Ferrari (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Speed Skills Boost)
  9. 2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport (S2-998 CLASS UPGRADE) (Speed Skills Boost)
  10. 2002 BMW M3-GTR (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Near Miss Skills Boost)
  11. 2014 Terradyne Gurkha LAPV (B-700 CLASS UPGRADE) (Destruction Skills Boost)
  12. 2001 Acura Integra Type-R (B-700 CLASS UPGRADE) (Near Miss Skills Boost)
  13. 1997 Honda Civic Type-R (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Skills Boost)
  14. 1992 Honda NSX-R (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Drift Skills Boost)
  15. 2003 Honda S2000 (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Credits Boost)
  16. 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Air Skills Boost)
  17. 2012 Eagle Speedster (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Speed Skills Boost)
  18. 1962 Peel P50 (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Skills Boost)
  19. 1975 Ford Bronco (B-700 CLASS UPGRADE) (Destruction Skills Boost)
  20. 1971 Plymouth Cuda 426 HEMI (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Burnout Skills Boost)
  21. 2012 Bowler EXR S (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Destruction Skills Boost)
  22. 2013 Audi R8 Coupe V10 (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Influence Boost)
  23. 1985 Ford RS200 Evolution (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Air Skills Boost)
  24. 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX STI (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Credits Boost)
  25. 2003 Volkswagen Golf R32 (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Skills Boost)
  26. 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder (S2-998 CLASS UPGRADE) (Speed Skills Boost)
  27. 2005 Ford GT (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Near Miss Skills Boost)
  28. 2019 Ford Ranger Raptor (C-600 CLASS UPGRADE) (Destruction Skills Boost)
  29. 1971 Meyers Manx (C-600 CLASS UPGRADE) (Air Skills Boost)
  30. 1969 Nissan Fairlady Z (A-800 CLASS UPGRADE) (Drift Skills Boost)
  31. 2010 Lexus LFA (S1-900 CLASS UPGRADE) (Influence Boost)
  32. 1995 Volkswagen Corrado VR6 Idea: under the hood in forzavista, have the message "take care of this one! -Dak" written on the engine cover in sharpie. Nice little throwback. Only on the Horizon Edition. (B-700 CLASS UPGRADE) (Near Miss Skills Boost)
  1. Everything you can access in the in-game pause menu can be accessed in your house.
  2. Tuning and paining cars will have a little garage area when doing so. The car out on the driveway looks boring.
ELIMINATOR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Don't. Just don't. It't garbage, and of all the things that have been added to Forza Horizon 4, this is by far the worst. Lay it to rest. It's not fun, and the game's realistic-spin-on-arcade-racing makes this even worse. The map makes the whole experience terrible as well, it wasn't designed for this, and even the fact you have to activate to "fight" a player just shows how you were grasping at straws in the first place. This is coming from someone who was initially excited to try this gamemode out. I understand losing because i screwed up and crashed into a tree, that's fair. I DON'T UNDERSTAND HAVING TO GO 2MPH OVER EVERY LITTLE DIRT BUMP BECAUSE I'LL EITHER SPIN OUT, FLIP, OR GET ROUTED INTO A BUILDING.
  1. In the options menu, you can have a choice to replace randomly generated Xbox accounts with actual racer names. Some could even be throwbacks, like naming racers Darius Flynt or Dak. Obviously most generated names should be asian. Feels kinda soulless to race against people named "WackyRiver3829" and "SadBottle4356"
  2. With harder difficulties, stop making the Drivatars more unfair to race against. Make them drive SMARTER. Have them use braking as little as possible, have them fully gun it on straights. The rubberbanding on harder difficulties is absolutely ridiculous, especially with the one drivatar who absolutely SMOKES everyone else. They drive like they're on slot tracks, and it just isn't fun. Giving expert-unbeatable drivatars cars that have impossible engine swaps, unreachable horsepower, ETC. shouldn't be in the game. I want to feel like i'm racing actual people on higher difficulties.
  3. Bumping/making extended contact with drivatar's cars will make them try to get away from you. They'll beep if you ram them or tailgate too long, have muffled music playing inside the cars, make them feel like real people.
  4. Drivatars will autoghost in freeroam mode, and spawn MUCH less frequently. Horizon 3 has been almost ruined because of the sheer amount of drivatars that spawn, and the ones that ram into you, for some reason.
  1. I'm being honest here and i'm just saying I really don't care about the seasons feature. spring through autumn has barely any gameplay difference, and winter is just plain annoying. It's your pride and joy for whatever reason, so I really don't expect for this feature to be retired.
  2. I do think you should be able to freeroam in any season you want at any time, but switching seasons would not let you do online events or connect to Horizon Life until you changed it back. Forcefully being stuck in winter for a WEEK straight makes the game no fun to play.
  3. I mean... what if seasons worked realistically?
-December 1st to February 28th: Winter
-March 1st to May 31st: Spring
-June 1st to August 31st: Summer
-September 1st to November 30th: Autumn
Combined with the "play privately in any season you want" this would be great. Also, it won't be in-game summer during real-life christmas time like it was last year!
HORIZON STORY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Stop making some chapters so hard to three-star. Especially in these weird, convoluted ways where you have to take some alternate route that's never referenced in the game at all. Take one of the LaRacer chapters, it's impossible to three star unless at the start, you pull a full 180 and go backwards, THEN you have a chance to thee star it. Have you heard of a thing called foreshadowing? hints? They're pretty big in games these days.
  2. Why not have a real racing celeb like Ken Block be the star of a HOONIGAN based Horizon Story? Imagine if Tesla came back to the game and Elon Musk decided to show up at the Horizon Festival to have a Horizon story based around Tesla and other electric cars?
This is all the cars I personally would like to see featured in the game. Starred* ones will not be available in the Autoshow and will be seasonal rewards.
  1. 2016 Apollo Arrow*
  2. 2004 Gumpert Apollo
  3. 1985 Honda City Turbo II
  4. 2002 Subaru Impreza WRX STI
  5. 1971 Plymouth Roadrunner
  6. 2008 Top Gear P45*
  7. 2017 Honda Civic DX
  8. 2018 Nissan Sentra
  9. 2020 Supra GR
  10. 2010 Lexus LFA
  11. 2020 Ferrari SF90 Stradale
  12. 2020 Chevrolet Corvette C8
  13. 2015 Ferrari P80C*
  14. 1967 Ferrari Thomassima II
  15. 1985 Toyota Trueno
  16. 1995 Toyota MR2 GT
  17. 1999 Dodge Dakota Sport
  18. 2019 Lamborghini Huracan Performante
  19. 2020 Aspark Owl*
  20. 2020 Ferrari F8 Tributo
  21. 2020 McLaren Elva
  22. 2020 Aston Martin DBX
  23. 2020 Ford Bronco R
  24. 2013 Peugeot 208 T16 Pikes Peak
  25. 1982 Nissan 240RS
  26. 1985 DeTomaso Pantera GT5-S
  27. 2014 Equus Bass 770
  28. 2011 Hyundai IX20
  29. 2012 Scion TC
  30. 2007 Toyota Camry
  31. 1993 Volkswagen Fox
  32. 1979 Toyota Tercel
  33. 1970 Dodge Coronet Super Bee
  34. 1977 Lancia Scorpion
  35. 2005 TVR Typhon
  36. 2002 TVR Tamora*
  37. 1971 Ulyanovsk UAZ-469
  38. 1955 Alpine A106
  39. 1999 Toyota Altezza RS200 Z-Edition
  40. 2010 Toyota FJ Cruiser
Well, it's finally done. Hope the devs decide to read through this since I put a ton of work into it. Maybe the sheer size of this thing will get their attention. Thanks so much for reading through this (probably skimming, i don't blame you) If any of my music/cadesign suggestions make it into the game i'd completely lose it. Hopefully Forza Horizon 5 is a masterpiece, regardless of what's listed here.
submitted by box-fort2 to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

As a long time defender of Norm, it’s time for him to retire

I’ve been a long time defender of Norm and I still say he’s earned his place on the station; I like the guy.
That being said, we found out last week that he killed Ghetto Jeopardy and we already know he killed Touch the V; I bet The Grinder doesn’t make a reappearance until Bewm returns. What’s the common denominator? They’re non-sports segments from Donovan (with a Seacow assist).
Another example: Norm forced Donovan to watch Riverboat Gambler and do a review and Norm won’t watch and review Carwash in turn.
Like it or not, Donovan is half the show and he should get to have his regular segments too, but it’s obvious that Norm dominates the content and Donovan just acquiesces to show respect and so Norm doesn’t smother him with his fart pillow.
This past week of Bewm has shown that an infusion of young(er) blood is a good thing and I’m sure that was the point of moving Donovan to 10-noon. But Norm seems to be dominating the segments. We need yin and yang, ebony and ivory and seacow.
My patented 1.5-step plan is the Dale Hansen schedule: give Norm Mondays during non-football season and the day after a Cowboys game during football. And then he can poke his gorilla cane in when the Derby arrives.
The rest of the time Norm should be traveling and grinding on Mary as she’s taking photos.
submitted by Themarc to theticket [link] [comments]

Joe Namath, Overrated? Part 1

Is Joe Namath overrated? I was involved recently in a debate about that question.
My opinion: No. My friend’s opinion: Yes.
Courtesy: The Morning Call
My friend offered the same argument I’ve heard many times before.
–Namath had 173 career touchdowns and 220 career interceptions.
–Namath only had a 50% completion percentage and a 65.5 passer rating.
–The only reason Namath is in the NFL Hall of Fame is because of that history-making Super Bowl III win over the heavily-favored Baltimore Colts.
Let’s deconstruct that argument starting with the interceptions, the not-so-good completion percentage, and low passer rating.
Namath played from 1965-1977 when football was very different from the game you see today. It wasn’t an era when QBs built-up great stats.
Namath played the first part of his career in the AFL and AFL QBs weren’t conservative in play calling. They were riverboat gamblers, routinely throwing 40, 50, and 60 yards down field. Pass interference wasn’t called as often. Receivers were getting bumped all the way down the field (there wasn’t a 5-yard rule back then). And Namath called his own plays.
AFL QBs favored the long pass. That’s very different from today’s game with its dink-and-dunk and pitch-and-catch mentality. Today’s QBs build-up great stats with an assortment of short passes. No so back then.
Let’s also remember that Namath didn’t play on a very good team for most of his career. The Jets had only three winning seasons from 1965-76. And only one other Jets’ player made it to the Hall–Don Maynard–Namath’s favorite receiver. (John Riggins made it, too, but that accomplishment had more to do with the 9 years Riggins spent with the Redskins).
Namath in 1973 (courtesy, Outside the Beltway, AP Photo/Richard Drew)
Say what you will about Namath’s reputation–relishing of the spotlight, guaranteeing the win against the Colts, spending late nights with the ladies, wearing those white shoes, having long hair, and wearing mink coats.
But when it came time to play, nobody took it more seriously.
Nobody cared more about winning.
Nobody was tougher.
Just how tough was he? He tore his ACL during his senior year at Alabama. There was no surgery back then to properly repair an ACL injury. Yes, there was an operation, but the key was resting, rehabbing, and hoping. So Namath was already at a disadvantage–with damaged knees–at the start of his pro career
He signed with the Jets for an unheard of figure–$427,000. They put him on the cover of Sports Illustrated and tagged him with the nickname, “Broadway Joe.”
No one in pro football at that time was making anywhere near that kind of money or getting that kind of attention. That made many players jealous. It also put a bulls eye on Namath’s chest. There were no special rules to protect QBs back then, and Namath took hit after hit from every defense in the League.
Namath continued playing despite being the target of numerous cheap shots, including having his jaw broken in a 1967 game against the Oakland Raiders, a team known for aggressive play. But Namath didn’t miss a single game in the first five years of his career.
Namath on the cover of Sports Illustrated
In fact, he excelled during those years. He was voted Rookie of the Year in 1965. He was AFL MVP in 1968 and 1969. And he led the Jets to their first and only Super Bowl victory–a game in which he was named MVP.
But the incessant punishment took its toll. Namath was plagued by numerous injuries and concussions for the rest of his career. In 1970 he broke the wrist on his throwing hand and was able to play in only five games. The next year he played in only four games because of yet another knee injury. It was perhaps his worst injury of all.
It happened on August 7 1971 in a pre-season game against the Detroit Lions. Namath handed off to seldom-used running back Lee White. White fumbled the ball to Detroit Lions’ MLB Mike Lucci. As Namath tried to tackle Lucci, an OLB named Paul Naumoff speared Namath’s knee with his helmet. That hit resulted in Namath’s fourth knee surgery. When asked why he attempted the tackle in a meaningless pre season game, Namath replied, “It’s the only way I know how to play.”
Although he missed most of that 1971 season, Namath played for another six seasons on knees that were so damaged and swollen that he often had to have them drained at halftime just to be able to continue playing.
Courtesy: AZ Quotes
He occasionally showed flashes of his former brilliance. Take, for example, what happened on September 24, 1972 vs. the Baltimore Colts. In what was perhaps the greatest game of his career Namath passed for six touchdowns and 496 yards on just 28 attempts.
But those days were far and few between. In 1973 he suffered a shoulder injury and played in only six games. In 1975 and 1976 the Jets went a combined 6-22 and Namath threw a staggering 44 interceptions.
His best days had long since passed. Namath played one more season with the Los Angeles Rams, appearing in just four games, before retiring.
If you want to go by stats alone, I admit that I can’t give you a lot of reasons why Joe Namath is in the NFL Hall of Fame. But I can tell you this: he was one of the best pure passers the game has ever seen.
Ask those who played against him.
Ask the Baltimore Colts defense that had no answers against Namath that sunny January afternoon in 1969.
Ask former coach and football analyst, John Madden, who said: “There is no quarterback I respected more and feared coaching against more than Joe Namath.”
Say what you will about his stats but, in his prime, no coach or defense slept well the night before facing “Broadway Joe” Namath.
submitted by oldschoolfootball to SportsHistory [link] [comments]

Just found out about this! I have some questions...

Hi all,
When I was a kid, my dad managed to swap an old JVC amp for a Williams Riverboat pinball machine.
A few years later, we emigrated to Australia (have since returned to the UK), and we left the pinball machine with a friend to look after until we got settled, and then we intended to get it sent over.
Sadly, the "friend" pretty much sold it the moment we were boarding the airplane.
I've found schematics, layouts, original artwork etc... and after having just finished yet another MAME machine, set my sights a little higher - I wanted to build a Williams Riverboat (not to be confused with Riverboat Gambler), so I started researching and stumbled across VirtualPinball.
My question is, is it possible to create new tables easily? Can I use an analogue plunger, and is there a way to sense the "force" when launching the ball? Are there stock sounds that I can use (Obviously, I no longer have the original so cannot sample those sounds)? What size screens are appropriate? I have a 43 inch LCD screen that's pretty much no longer used. What spec of PC would be needed? ...and what kind of input card?
Would I be better off creating the analogue, magnetic/switch version that I had originally envisaged?
TIA :)
submitted by dchurch2444 to virtualpinball [link] [comments]

Quantum Hedge Funds as the Best Investment Alternative

The Quantum Group of Funds is one of the most successful hedge funds in history. Built by uberinvestor George Soros, it was only recently overtaken by Bridgewater Associates according to Institutional Investor.
While he has since retired and transformed his firm into a privately-run family office, there is a tremendous amount that active investors can learn from him.
Given its huge success since its inception, I thought a study into the growth and history of Soros’ firm would be interesting. While there are many posts and books out there on the man himself, I will concentrate on the (a) investment philosophy & mindset, (b) strategies and (c) management of the Quantum Fund, using various sources of information as well as several case studies to provide insights and takeaways for all of us. This post will be the first piece of 3 articles, and it will concentrate on Quantum’s investment philosophy and mindset.
Professor Aswath Damodaran from NYU mentioned that an investment philosophy is ” coherent way of thinking about markets, how they work (and sometimes do not), and the types of mistakes that you believe consistently underlie investor behaviour.” Damodaran also mentioned that the ingredients of an investment philosophy includes one’s beliefs of human frailty, market efficiency and the developing of strategies and tactics. As we shall see, Soros’ beliefs of the human condition, the nature of the world and global financial markets is consistently thorough and has allowed him to develop a ruthless money-making investment firm over the years.
(I) Uncertainty is the rule of the game!
Was there once when you were so ‘doubly-sure’ on something, but it turned out that you were utterly wrong? Were you surprised and shocked? Were you frustrated that despite all that hard work and effort that you’ve put in, your opinion was totally and completely redundant as the truth or reality unfolded?
Well, Soros wouldn’t care at all if he was wrong on anything. Why? He believes that human beings are fallible creatures, with imperfect understanding of the environment around us. Simply put, we are imperfect beings operating within an imperfect world. Once you accept your own fallibility, it does not matter anymore if you get things wrong (or even if you get something right!). This gives you the courage to become impersonal about your own opinions.
He was intrigued by a concept from Quantum Mechanics, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which postulates that the precise position and momentum of a particle X cannot be accurately measured at the same time.
No matter how sure you are on something, there is still an element of uncertainty out there. This is similar to the concept of acknowledging that there are ‘unknown unknowns’. This understanding is crucial, as it gives you the courage and conviction to (i) admit that you can be wrong, (ii) acknowledge the markets could be wrong, (iii) accept that both you and the markets could be wrong in variant degrees. This understanding also allows you to develop contingent plans and courses of actions to work on uncertainty and to deal with mistakes. “It is perfectly alright if you do not know what will happen, what matters is how you respond”.
Soros believes that the global financial markets is one such area where imperfect beings are operating within an imperfect environment. He believes that the markets cannot be understood merely by what traditional economics tells us and solely by financial concepts. The financial markets are not efficient (at least not in the academic sense of strongly efficient), and there is no point in debating or discussing about it. There is nothing real and tangible in the markets, except save for a mixed bunch of opinions and belief systems out there. In order to survive and make money in the markets, we need to think in possibilities, and constantly adapt to an ever-changing paradigm.
(II) Taking on risk inevitable: manage it!
In order to generate investment returns, one has to adopt some level of risk. This is a widely-held belief not just in the global investment community but also among the general public. While it is certainly true in essence, there could also be a misconception of the understanding of what risk is. Most people believe that risk is two-dimensional in that in order to have higher potential returns, one has to assume a higher level of risk commensurately.
However, Soros sees it differently. Firstly, he thinks that everything has an element of risk that is both knowable and unknowable (uncertainty principle). This stands in huge contrast with what the average investor believes, even among many professional investors. A ‘risk-free’ asset could turn out to be disastrous in an extreme and unexpected circumstance – Soros would prefer to deem what people call a ‘risk-free’ asset as ‘low risk based on what I or others know’. Notice the difference? It may be subtle but it’s a drastic change in mindset.
Secondly, he believes that one does not necessarily need to take on more risk in order to produce higher returns. Soros is obsessed with using as little resources (risking little) as possible to make as much as possible, thus he constantly looks for positive asymmetric opportunities that is worth the risks involved.
Thirdly, because Soros believes that everything has an element of risk that is both knowable and unknowable, he is comfortable to press his advantage and take on various degree of risks when necessary. In various biographies, it’s mentioned that Soros described his time as a refugee during the Second World War as the ‘best time of his life’. He was comfortable ‘living riskily’ when he was a youth, and when he was running and managing Quantum in his later years, ex-employees revealed that Soros certainly knew how to dispassionately exploit advantages like a riverboat gambler as well as cut back and ‘de-risk’ when the time calls for it – literally akin to a refugee surviving through a hostile environment void of resources.
The crucial point here is that Soros is perfectly alright with taking on risk as long as he understands the source and the nature of what he is dealing with. And because risk is entirely subjective, what Soros does at times could indeed come off as highly risky in the eyes of an outsider or spectator.
In order to play the game, one has to endure the pain. You just need to prepare and manage it.
(III) The Bottom Line is all that matters!
Because of what he believes in the above portion under the Uncertainty Principle, Soros has built his investment firm to ruthlessly focus on profits. Nothing else matters, period. In fact, in a mandarin book on the man himself, it was mentioned that when Soros tried to recall his investment activity, he could not find a proper system or rules, but rather he found constantly changing patterns that were unforeseeable beforehand. Any new form of speculation had a different condition than the prior, encountering different variant circumstances. As quoted in Drobny’s “Inside the House of Money” and in “Soros on Soros”, Soros stated that:
“I don’t play the game by a particular set of rules; I look for changes in the rules of the game.”
The Quantum Fund was unique in that it had not set trading or investment strategy. This may seem bizarre back then and even by today’s standards. The existence of a bunch of different biases, belief systems and opinions in the markets that are possibly misinformed and false provides a ton of opportunities to exploit and monetise. Soros believes that having a set investment strategy is merely an ego-building exercise that could turn one myopic; afterall, you’re in the markets to make money. The Quantum Fund was highly opportunistic, investing across all asset classes, across the world, and had no directional bias, playing both the long and short sides of markets.
Soros also had no qualms in riding bubbles and manias, or going against the crowd when he thinks its appropriate. He once mentioned that when he sees a bubble forming, he rushes in to buy, “adding the fuel to the fire.” He also famously crusaded against various central banks in the decade of the 1990s, betting big and capitalising on the collapses of currency pegs in Europe’s foreign exchange markets and across emerging markets.
This unconstrained and ruthless approach on focusing on profits was seen throughout the growth of Soros’ firm, starting in the 1970s as a hedge fund startup speculating in various financial assets all the way into its closure at the turn of the century and its evolution into a family office that consists of real assets, private equity and venture capital vehicles. The Quantum Fund literally adapted and evolved throughout the years.
This shrewd focus on profits and a ‘zero ego’ approach also had the consequence of allowing Soros to deal quickly with losses and investments that do not work out!
As we all know today, currency exchange is not only done by fiat currency users, but it is also very popular for cryptocurrency users. If the fiat currency exchange operates for 7 hours in 5 working days, it is different from the cryptocurrency exchange, which will operate for 27 hours in 7 working days. This can be done because Blockchain technology has a trading robot that functions as a party that processes every transaction without stopping and does not make mistakes on the effectiveness of the decision. This can happen because the recording activity can continue without knowing holidays. Therefore the exchange system carried out by cryptocurrency is very efficient because it can be done anytime and anywhere.
Did you know that during the previous 15 years the evolution of traditional financial markets and trading algorithms showed a significant increase compared to the strategies used by classical trading. So this phenomenon is the background of the birth of new technology that will provide algorithmic trading methods such as the Quantum Hedge Fund or QHF. Where QHF is a Blockchain based platform established by a group of people who have professional expertise in the field of algorithmic and manual asset management. So with the ability by a group of people, he has succeeded in establishing a platform by integrating Blockchain technology into algorithmic trading.
To prove its seriousness, QHF will provide several key features that can convince the public that QHF is a platform that can be trusted by the community. QHF will show the performance and competence that is owned by using an algorithmic and manual trading method. Where both of these methods will be shown to be in line with the management’s policy towards high fund risk, so that it will enable users to obtain higher efficiency in a short operating period by using digital assets such as cryptocurrency. Of course from the above explanation it can be concluded that users who make investments with QHF will get higher efficiency in only a small period of time.
Although every platform that integrates Blockchain technology into its platform will have high security guarantees, QHF will still provide multiple layers of security systems in order to provide higher security guarantees for user assets. Where it will implement electronic security systems, smart insurance contracts, and will provide limited access to QHF data, which is to impose these restrictions, QHF will instruct special personnel through multilevel access protocols. If security encrypted from Blockchain technology alone is very difficult to break into, of course with the additional security system imposed by QHF hackers will not be able to break into the platform. therefore QHF is very reliable as a trusted algorithm trading service.
As digital connoisseurs, of course we know that the cryptocurrency market is currently experiencing a very significant development, which this development can enable anyone to gain profits above 500% every year. However, the benefits that will be obtained in large quantities, certainly will never avoid a number of large risks as well. Where anyone can be having bad luck and gain a loss that will result in all digital assets lost in its entirety. But did you know that QHF has a surefire strategy that can be utilized to mitigate this potential risk. Where QHF will use the Hybrid approach to process asset management in order to be able to handle most of the risks that will be faced in the future. Therefore, by seeing the potential offered by QHF, it will automatically attract investors to save their assets early on.
Not only that, by joining the platform you will also get a variety of benefits, which include obtaining quantitative and qualitative analysis of market data, using special technology and providing reliable solutions by presenting special software as well, having agency programs and can do transactions on a transparency basis. Therefore, by looking at all the services provided by QHF, surely investors can trade comfortably, safely and practically.
Official Resources
Website: https://quantumfund.ai/
White paper : https://cdn.qtmf.ai/static/partnedocs/QuantumFund-WP-v2.pdf?v=201912051559
Twitter: https://twitter.com/qhfofficial
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/qhfofficial
Telegram: https://t.me/qhfofficial
Yours sincerely,
O. A. Qamardeen
Bitcointalk Username: Abefe
Bitcointalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2640031
Telegram Username: @AzQamGraphics
submitted by oladayo2016 to ICOAnalysis [link] [comments]

Masterpost of Unique Legendary Skin Voicelines - October 2017

This is meant to be a comprehensive list of all the unique quirks of each Legendary Skin. This is the best I could come up with using just online resources and past compilations, but feel free to comment with anything I might have missed.
First, I listed every legendary skin currently in the game, regardless of whether or not it had voice lines, then filled in from there. For some I also listed additional fun details or animations unique to the skin.
Imported ones from the round up u/mjfenix did last year.
For additional lines I transcribed GRZ NGT's video of all skin-specific voicelines video updated through the Anniversary Update.
For Summer games 2017 voice lines I used Hammah's video for the summer update
I did my best with Genji's Japanese Sentai lines, but my best still isn't very good. Some of his sentai lines are just screams and I can't tell if there's a Japanese word in there or not.
For Halloween 2017 I pulled Zenyatta quotes from this thread, and Symmetra quotes from this one. Note that Symmetra voice lines are currently PVE only, but I imagine that will change.
For McCree there seems to be some conflicting reports on his ult line and other lines. If you test it yourself and report back, please note if you are playing in the PVE mode or not, or if you are on console. Apparently there's a bug with the voice lines on console, and there's a chance that McCree's lines are restricted to the PVE event.
Captain Amari/Horus
Corsair (Halloween)
Overgrown (Origins Edition)
Dune Buggy (Anniversary)
Palanquin (Year of the Rooster)
Cruiser (Anniversary)
Police Officer (Heroes of the Storm)
Sparrow/Young Genji
Blackwatch (Uprising)
Sentai (Anniversary)
Oni (Heroes of the Storm)
Young Hanzo/Young Master
Lone Wolf/Okami
Cyber Ninja (Anniversary)
Cricket (Summer Games)
Dr. Junkenstein (Halloween)
Jazzy (Anniversary)
Seleção/Striker (Summer Games)
Mystery Man/Vigilante
Blackwatch (Uprising)
Lifeguard (Summer Games)
Van Helsing (Halloween)
FirefighteRescue Mei
Abominable/ Yeti Hunter
Luna and Chang'e (Year of the Rooster)
Beekeper (Anniversary)
Mei-rry (Winter Wonderland)
Jiangshi (Halloween)
Combat Medic Ziegler (Uprising)
Winged Victory (Summer Games)
Witch (Halloween)
Carbon FibeProtector
Null Sector (Uprising)
Bedouin (Anniversary)
Security Chief (Origins Edition)
Nevermore/Plague Doctor
El Blanco/Mariachi
Blackwatch Reyes (Origins Edition)
Biker (Summer Games)
Pumpkin (Halloween)
Dracula (Halloween)
LionHardt/Stone Hardt
Wujing (Year of the Rooster)
Mako/ Sharkbait
Junkenstein's Monster (Halloween)
Bajie (Year of the Rooster)
Soldier 76
Commando: 76/Night Ops: 76
Daredevil: 76/Stunt Rider: 76
Cyborg: 76 (Anniversary)
Grillmaster: 76 (Summer Games)
Strike Commander Morrison (Origins Edition)
AzúcaLos Muertos
Augmented/ Cyberspace
Tulum (Summer Games)
Devi/ Goddess
Oasis (Anniversary)
Dragon (Halloween)
Barbarossa/Black Beard
Santaclad (Winter Wonderland)
Chief Engineer Linholm/Ironclad (Uprising)
Viking (Halloween)
Mach T/T.Racer
Slipstream (Origins)
Sprinte Track and Field (Summer Games)
Jingle (Winter Wonderland)
Cadet Oxton (Uprising)
Graffiti (Anniversary)
Noire (Pre-order)
Talon (Uprising)
Côte d'Azur (Summer Games)
Wukong (Year of the Rooster)
Yeti (Winter Wonderland)
Artic/Siberian Front
Cybergotch/ Industrial
Cyberian (Anniversary)
Champion/Weightlifter (Summer Games)
Totally '80s (Halloween)
Sanzang (Year of the Rooster)
Nutcracker (Winter Wonderland)
Cultist (Halloween)
submitted by Gooneybirdable to Overwatch [link] [comments]

what is a riverboat gambler video

Riverboat Gamblers - To The Confusion Of Our Enemies (FULL ... RIVERBOAT GAMBLER PINBALL BY WILLIAMS - YouTube Jimmie Skinner - Riverboat Gambler - YouTube Riverboat Gamblers Conway Twitty “Riverboat gamblers” - YouTube Riverboat Gambler - YouTube Riverboat Gambler Pinball Machine - YouTube Riverboat Gamblers - Blue Ghosts - YouTube A riverboat gambler- rolling - YouTube Riverboat Gamblers - What's What

alludes to one who takes undue risk, wagering on the outcomes of inconsequential events and activities either for money or out of compulsion We are all familiar with VAPERS but I call Riverboat Gambler a TURPER, i.e., a Turkish Perique blend. My palate did not like the dominance of these two tobaccos. The first third of the bowl was pleasant and even welcoming but as I progressed down the bowl it became increasingly strong, bitter and harsh. There is nothing sweet about this blend. Riverboat Gambler (Williams 1990) Conversion by Goldchicco. VP9 release by: JP Salas. This table is a conversion from the VP9 table. Thank You to JP Salas for for giving me the OK to proceed with this conversion. Special Thanks to : Climb aboard The Riverboat Gambler and enjoy some of the hottest casino games around! This app serves up 43 different games and there are more planned. You will be amazed at the realism of your experience. Players are saying that they are becoming more proficient at the live games by practicing with Riverboat Gambler. Games Include: 1. Mississippi Stud 2. Download Today! All of these games can be found in a real casino somewhere but no real casino anywhere has all of these games! mississippi stud Riverboat Gambler was released by Williams in August of 1990, as game # 50007. It was released around the same time as Funhouse, but with a much smaller production run. Also, Funhouse runs on the WPC-A system (TM:BOP), where RG is a System 11-C (Rollergames). In fact, Riverboat Gambler was the last 11-C game released. We strive to provide our clients with not only a unique venue and spectacular views - we help foster memories and cherish moments. Join us, and experience the city like never before! US. A person who gambles professionally on (Mississippi) riverboats, especially used as the type of a person who is regarded variously as bold, reckless, dashing, sharp, unethical, etc. This bundle for our new single “Massive Fraud” is available through the link in our bio. You get a limited tshirt that only comes with this bundle, 7inch on gold vinyl and yellow cassette w/digi dl.

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Riverboat Gamblers - To The Confusion Of Our Enemies (FULL ...

Conway Twitty “Riverboat gamblers” 0:00 - True Crime2:36 - Don't Bury Me ... I'm Still Not Dead5:22 - Bizs Sluts7:48 - Wasting Time9:46 - On Again Off Again13:00 - The Gamblers Try Their Hand ... Riverboat Gamblers rip it up at the Mainstage Bar. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue Super 8 live action music video filmed at world famous Beerland, Texas (http://www.CrashCamFilms.com) RIVERBOAT GAMBLER PINBALL MACHINE BY WILLIAMS. Music video by Riverboat Gamblers performing Blue Ghosts. (C) 2013 Volcom Entertainment, Inc. I have been after a nice Riverboat Gambler for years. I brought one blind a couple of years ago and it turned up and was a total wreck with a rats nest in it... via YouTube Capture Authentic live recording of Bob Frank singing & playing the famous number one smash hit song, Riverboat Gambler, written by Chuck Giamalvo & Bob Frank hissel... Jimmie Skinner - Riverboat Gambler - #14 hit in 1960 --- requested by Muzikgirl67 - visit & sub her great channel http://www.you.com/user/Muzikgirl67

what is a riverboat gambler

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